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CC Minutes - 02/09/09 Meeting
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CC Minutes - 02/09/09 Meeting
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City Council Minutes
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<br />M I N U T E S <br /> <br /> <br />Eugene City Council <br />Regular Meeting <br />Council Chamber—Eugene City Hall <br />777 Pearl Street—Eugene, Oregon <br /> <br /> February 9, 2009 <br /> 7:30 p.m. <br /> <br /> <br />COUNCILORS PRESENT: Chris Pryor, George Brown, Andrea Ortiz, George Poling, Jennifer <br />Solomon, Mike Clark, Alan Zelenka, Betty Taylor. <br /> <br />Her Honor Mayor Kitty Piercy called the meeting of the Eugene City Council to order. <br /> <br />1. PUBLIC FORUM <br /> <br />Mayor Piercy reviewed the rules of the Public Forum. <br /> <br />John Brown <br />, Ward 5, thanked the councilors and mayor for their service to the community. He recalled his <br />testimony from two weeks earlier regarding the undue burden placed upon an elderly landowner who had <br />transients camping on her land. He reminded the council that she had tried for years to get the City to <br />respond to complaints and when the City had finally responded the landowner had been given ten days to <br />clean up the area at a cost of $7,000 to $12,000. He commented that the sad thing was that the transients <br />were already back; city employees were not able to return to the property to verify the mess without police <br />escorts. He stated that he had taken pictures of transient camps on public lands and had provided those <br />pictures to the council along with a request that the council clean them up within ten days. He related that <br />nothing had been done and the camps were still there. He emphasized that if the intent of the ordinance was <br />to protect the environment – the camps he had provided pictures of were within feet of class 1 streams with <br />protected or endangered species. He underscored that nothing had been done. He did not understand the <br />double standard in holding the private sector to a different set of rules. He averred that everyone should be a <br />good steward for the environment and no one should have a license to pollute. He noted that he had spoken <br />with Assistant City Manager Sarah Medary several times and city staff had been very cordial with him but <br />for him the bottom line was that nothing had been done. <br /> <br />Joe Collins <br />, P.O. Box 24411, commented that the council might have been “bamboozled.” He was referring <br />to the Crest Drive, Storey Boulevard, and Friendly Street project. He recalled that area residents had not <br />wanted their streets to be called collector streets. He did not think the residents really knew why they did not <br />want the streets to be collectors. He had read an article that indicated that people who lived on collector <br />streets had to move their cars off the streets during snow storms. He thought this could be why those <br />residents opposed changing the street classification. He noted that all of the councilors except for Councilor <br />Solomon had voted against changing the street classification to collector. He added that he was appreciative <br />of the hearing device he was provided that allowed him to hear the council meetings and testimony. <br /> <br />Zachary Vishanoff <br />, Ward 3, provided the council with packets of information. He reviewed and hig- <br />hlighted the photocopied articles that the packet contained. He noted that a public workshop was planned <br />for the Walnut Node. He underscored his preference for a public hearing. He asked that the City provide <br />notice in advance about the workshop so that business owners and others along Franklin Boulevard who had <br />not supported the node could attend. He felt that the message the City would hear would be that “new <br />MINUTES—Eugene City Council February 9, 2009 Page 1 <br /> Regular Meeting <br /> <br />
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