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CC Minutes - 03/03/09 Joint Elected Officials
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CC Minutes - 03/03/09 Joint Elected Officials
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City Council Minutes
Joint Elected Officials
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March 3, 2009 <br />Joint Elected Officials Meeting <br />City of Springfield <br />City of Eugene <br />Lane County <br />Page 8 of 11 <br /> <br />communities and one transit provider. Their Council’s acted independently with their individual Comp <br />Plans. They also had more than one county involved. <br /> <br />Mayor Leiken clarified that the Bend metro area only included Bend and the Medford metro area only <br />included Medford. He discussed his disappointment with the Big Look that was recently concluded. He <br />was concerned the Metro Plan would be diluted. With the implementation of HB3337, the major <br />components of the Metro Plan would be taken out, and now each jurisdiction was putting forth separate <br />Transportation Plans. He asked if the Metro Plan would be in name only in order to save money on <br />developing separate Comp Plans. That was fine if it was needed to save funds, avoid legal costs and be <br />supported by DLCD. He felt they would end up developing separate Comp Plans with the title of Metro <br />Plan. He did not want to dilute this and develop a Metro Council. He was totally opposed to that. Those <br />were issues to consider. There would be separate autonomy between the two cities. Future elected official, <br />could decide to move toward developing separate Comp Plans. <br /> <br />Councilor Lundberg said she totally agreed with Mayor Leiken and was fine with having a discussion <br />whether or not the Metro Plan was a viable document. There was now a method to deal with Fire and Life <br />Safety, water and sewer and other metro services. Once they had separate plans and separate UGBs, there <br />wasn’t much left. There would still be times when they would want to collaborate and cooperate when <br />appropriate, but she wanted to know what the jurisdictions wanted to do with the Metro Plan. Some of the <br />issues such as farmland and sustainability may not all lead to the Metro Plan. Autonomy was very <br />important. <br /> <br />Councilor Zelenka said the next meeting needed to be more specific, with a conversation about the <br />threshold of questions the Mayors mentioned. They needed to talk about specific fixes within this <br />conversation. He asked staff to work on focusing the issues by calling their elected officials. He noted that <br />he had grown up in the Bay Area where there was no planning, and felt that planning had served our area <br />well and prevented a lot of bad things from happening. He was concerned this would go to an anti- <br />planning conversation. He would like staff to work on focusing this conversation for the next meeting. <br /> <br />Councilor Pryor said he could live with whatever was decided. The outcomes created less friction than <br />the process. They needed to come up with a clear outcome, a way to get there and how they would govern <br />how we got there. They needed to work hard to reestablish trust and accountability. He wanted <br />respectable interactions along the way. <br /> <br />II. Economic Development Response Team. <br /> <br />Eugene City Manager Jon Ruiz said the planning for this item came out of a meeting with the Mayors and <br />Commissioner Fleenor regarding economic development and job creation. They thought there could be <br />value in creating a JEO subcommittee to have a coordinated effort around this topic, recognizing each <br />jurisdiction would pursue some independent job creation and economic development, but that there was <br />also value in coordination around this issue. The subcommittee could be represented by elected officials <br />and coordinated through Springfield/Eugene/Lane County (SEL). They could help to form an economic <br />development summit and could be used to help form some of the coordinated responses for stimulus <br />packages. That coordination was already happening at the staff level. It could also help plan for some <br />regional coordination around specific economic development tools and what they wanted the region to <br />look like in the next economy. They were not asking to solve all of those issues today, but to get support <br />from each jurisdiction to assign elected officials to work with staff to coordinate those efforts. <br /> <br />
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