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18780 <br />EXHIBIT "A" <br />Sv 81-~ Eu ene Performi n Arts Center <br />vacation of Public Street right-of-way for Willamette Street from 6th <br />Avenue to 7th Avenue and being more particularly described as follows: <br />Beginning at a point an the east right-af-way line of Willamette <br />Street said point being South 7.44 feet from the Northwest corner of <br />Lot 2 in Block 5 of Skinners Donation to Eugene as platted and <br />recorded in volume "A", page l22 of Lane County Oregon Deed Records, <br />thence South along said east right-of-way line to a point 7.40 feet <br />North of the Southwest corner of Lot 7, i n said Block 5 of Ski nn <br />ers <br />Donations thence west 66.00 feet to a point 7.40 feet North of the <br />Southeast corner of Lot 8 i n B1 ock 4 of said Skinners Donation, sai d <br />point being on the West right-of-way of Willamette Street; <br />Thence north along said West right-of-way line to a oint 7.00 feet <br />P <br />South of the Northeast corner of Lot l , Block 4 of Skinners Donati an, <br />thence east 66,04 feet to the east right-of-way line of Willamette <br />Street, said point being the point of Beginning of this descri ti On <br />p <br />and 1.00 feet South of the Northwest corner of Lot 2 in Black 5 of <br />Skinners Donation, see attached Exhibit"A" . ' <br />