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J , <br />ORDIttAirCE ;+0. a <br />An ordinance levying assessments for paving a~ ~ ey between 7th avenue and 8~:h Avenue From <br />~~ash~ng~on Street to ~.a~~rence Street. <br />in the City of Eugene, Lane County, Oregon, <br />~+'h'ERL'AS, the Cor;~non Council ,of the City of Eugene did by Resolution No. 339 , adopted by <br />the Common Council on the 2nd day of ~ U~ 19 80 determine to <br />in the Gity of Eugene, Lane County, Oregon; and <br />i;?-~RiAS, the Corrnon Council of the City of Eugene did by Section 7.195 of the City Code, determine to <br />assess fo r Special Sewer Levy Fund in the Czty o£ Eugene, Lane County, Oregon. <br />'~?-~nEAS, the a.rprover~ent above described and design2ted has been made in accordance Faith said ordinance and <br />the law in such case made 2nd provided, and the cost thereof and amount to be assessed hsve been ascertained to be, <br />Item 1. Cash Payments to Contractor - Contract ~f ~~W~? ~ ~Q ~~~~ ~ ~'~ <br /> Contract ~f <br />Item 2. r~aintenance Retainage <br />Item 3, Other Costs (Describe) <br />Item 4. Deferred Assessments (Type) <br />Item 5, Ar:ount of remaining warrants issued to complete contract <br />Item 6, Total Amount for CanCract ~r~~^ $ 2Q~SJ2,~'~ <br />Item 7. Less - City's Share of Cost for Completed Contract ~~~ Z 4.5 Q <br />Item 8. Pius - <br /> a. DUE TO G'E':~'ERAL FUND for Liquidated Damages for Paving <br /> b. DL'E TO S~dER UTILTTY far Liquidated Damages for Sewers , <br />Ttem 9. Amount to j,~hich 18% City Charges are Applied ~ ~,~ ~~ • 96 <br />Item 10, Plus - Unpaid Balance of City's Share (See Item 24 Below) 4 ,4 2 4.~ Q ' <br />Item 11, Less - Liquidated Damages <br />Iter~ 12, Less - Othex Casts (Describe) <br />Item 13. Plus - Overpayment to Contractor by ~~arrant <br /> ZQ,J5~.4~ <br />Item 14, ASSESSI~NT idOR1C IN PROCESS <br />Item 15. Plus - Overpayment to contractor in cash <br />Item 16, Flus 10% City Charge far Engineering {lQ/ of Item 9) ~ ,~~Q.2~ <br /> Plus 8/ City Charge for I~arrant Interest, PosCage, ~ <br /> Advertising, and Other (E~ of Item 9) <br /> TOTRL CITY CN~RGE ~ ~ , 903.04 <br /> 2'9Q3 ~ 04 <br /> a, <br />D~'E TO ~aarran~ Redemption Fund <br />Item 11, Plus - DUE 'i0 SE'~+F.R ~ITILITY for '~c SPECIAL SEi,TER LEVY <br />Ite:~ 1$. Plus - DUE TO SE'+~~`R UTILITY for Lateral Sewer <br />EQUivalent of Trunk Sewer System <br />Item 1°, Plus - DUE TO h'arrant Redemption Fund for Engineering <br />Charges on Ci.ty's Share of Costs <br />Item 24, Flus - Other Costs {Describe) <br />Item 21, Plus - Liquidated Damages <br />ICem 22. Less - DUE FP,O;~~ CO?~TRACTOR for Overpayment <br />Item 23. ASSESS?IE~:T REGEIVABLF, - Total Assessr~ents per Ordinance <br />Iter~ 24. Citv`s Share of Cost far Cary feted Contract: <br />-- Amount Paid on <br />Account ldoo Construction rlonthiv <br />rvc Eng Costs Estimates <br />442.45 <br />$ 23,$97.95 <br />ToC~l <br />Intersections 211.69 ~2,~16.94 2,328.63 <br />531-9332-61739-906206 230.76 2,307.56 2,538.32 <br /> <br /> <br />TOTAL 442.45 4,424.50 4,866.95 <br />