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ORDINANCE NO.. "_~~~ <br />AN oRD~N~NCE. C0~'C~E~NL~'G G~,R~GE, ~SER~~CES ; ~ENDLNG <br />SECTI~oN 3..255 4~` THE. ~~7.G~NE..CQ~~, .~~9:~~.~~ REPEALING <br />SECTIQNS 3 ~to 9 of C.RD:~N,~N~CE Noe iS~6~2~g;. ESTA~BLTSHING <br />NE.w RATES` FoR G~RE,~GE~ ~~ER,~2:CE~S ; POND DECL~~ING ~N <br />EME.R,GENCY . <br />THE CITY of EUGENE DaE~~ ~RD~T~ AS FO,~L~Q~TS : <br />Section l . Section. 3..255 0~ the Eugene ~Code,~ ~;9 ~1, is hereby <br />amended to read and provide: <br />3.255 Garb~a ~e~ ~Hau~lin -- F~;~nc~ia~, ~Sta~te~me~~its. Garbage hau~,- <br />ers shall pro~ride the council, ~r its designee, <br />with such financial. information as the council or its desi~ nee <br />g <br />deems necessary or desirable. in order to consider a schedule of <br />charges for:garbage hauling. Each. licensed garbage hauler shall <br />submit the required financial information to a certif ied ublic <br />accountan p <br />t selected by the garbage haulers and approved by the <br />council ox its .designee. The accountant shall com ile the re- <br />p <br />quired information in cooperation with the finance officer, <br />us ing a f ormat for coampil ing the inf oration approved by the <br />finance of f lcer, and from the compiled information prepare a <br />report to the c.ounci 1, .. <br />Section 2. Eased upon the recon~mehdati.on,s of the Eugene Garbage <br />Board,, the hearing before. this Council, and pursuant to Section 3.25Q <br />of the Eugene Code, 1971 ~ Sections.. 3 to 9 of ordinance No. 18629 <br />passed by the Council on May l2, 198Q.and ap~ro~ed bar the Mayor on <br />June 9, 1980, and the rates pro~ri~e.d for therein are hereby repealed, <br />as o f midnight, June. 3 0 , l9 $ 1, and the :rates for garbage services <br />within the City of Eugene sha~.~, be as established herein, effective <br />as of July 1, 1981. <br />Section. 3. The ;monthly charge. for residential and coz~mercial <br />removal of garbage from. 32--gallon cans a,n the City is as follows: <br />~ l ~. 4uts~id~ ~a Mobi l,e~ Hobe. dark: <br />~a~:. For ~: single. 32-ga1lox~ can, once a week ---_-$ ~ . 94 <br />~b~ Far each ~ ~addit~anal. can, once <br />a, week, 6D-pexce~t of a single-'can <br />monthly rate ~-~_~-~__..__..__:~..__~,__-____-.___~._- 2.95 <br />ordinance - 1 <br />