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ORDINANCE. No . ~. $ $ ~ ~ <br />AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING ASSI~ULT AND BATTERY, AND <br />INTENTIaNAL I~TI~MIDI~TI;ON; AIMENDI,NG SECTIONS 4.734 <br />AND 4.9 9 4 OF THE. P~UGENE CODE , i ~9 71; ADD ING A NEW <br />SECTION 4.731 TO THAT CODE, ~ AND DECLI~RI~NG AN <br />EMERGENCY. <br />THE CITY OF EUGENE DOES oRDALN~AS FOLLOWS; <br />Section 1. Section 4.7.34 of the Eugene Code, 1971, is hereby <br />amended. to provide: <br />4.734 As~sau~~t sand BatterX~. No person shall intentionally: <br />-.~ ~a~ Cai~~e Illphysical harm to another erson~ <br />p r <br />}.. Place ar attempt to place another person <br />in fear ~~ imminent physical harm. <br />Section 2. There is hereby added to the Eugene Code, 1971, a <br />new section to be numbered and pro~ride: <br />4.731 Intentional ~z~ntimidati~o~l. <br />~:1 } No person shall intentionally commit any of the <br />acts described in sections 4.34 and 4.7$0 of this code with <br />the intent to intimidate another person by reason of race, <br />ancestry, religion, color, see, marital status, sexual orien- <br />tation, age, national origin or handicap. <br />~~~~}.. In addition to the ,ability otherwise im osed b <br />,. p Y <br />ordinances o~ this city, for purposes of th.i;s section, a cor- <br />poration,.~%rm, partnership, association or joint stock com an <br />p Y <br />is guilty of an o~l~ense if the conduct constituting the offense <br />is~engaged in by an agent of the organizati~an acting within the <br />scope Qf h~:s or her agency. <br />Section 3~.~ Section, 4.994 of the Eugene Code, l9 71, is hereby <br />amended by adding a new subsection ~~~~ thereto, to provide: <br />4.9 9 4 ~P~er~a~,~tes` ~- Sp:ec.~~f~i~c . <br />_ _- - _. - _ ~M~~ _ _ i- -i-- li s ill ^ I~Nl~mn~inll M~ <br />~ 1 ~ ~ va,olation of section 4.73, is punishable by a <br />fine not to exceed $1,, ~ 00 ~ar conf nen~er~t in jail not to exceed <br />one year ~ .fir bath.,fine and in~prsonme.rit. <br />S~ectipn ~~~. Th%s Ordinance shall not off.ect any offense or act <br />committed or done, .any .penalty or forte ulre incurred, or any contract <br />or right ~or prior tQ the effective date of this <br />ordinance - l <br />