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ORDINANCE NO. ~$3~ <br />An Ordinance initiating the vacation o~ the following described <br />public utility easement, to--wit: <br />The northerly seven feet of Lot 2, Black 2, and <br />the southerly seven feet of Lot 4, Block ~ of Bar- <br />bre Estates as platted and recorded in Boak 34, <br />Page 4, Lane County Plat Records, Lane County, <br />Oregon. <br />Except the thirty foot public utility and drain- <br />age easement along the northwesterly corner of Lot <br />2, Block 2 and the westerly line of Lot 4s Bloch 2 <br />of Barbre Estates as platted and recorded in Book <br />34, Page 4,, Lane County Plat Records, Lane County, <br />Oregon. (Kirk - Ev 51-5~ <br />THE CITY OF EUGENE DOES ORDAIN ,AS FOLLaWS: <br />Section 1. The City Council, of the City of Eugene herein ini- <br />bates the vacation proceedings on its own authority without peti- <br />tion or consent of the property owners, except as provided by statute, <br />of the above described public utility easement. <br />Section 2. A hearing shall be held upon the proposal to vacate <br />the public utility easement as herein provided, and the hearing shall <br />be held on the 9th day of Septembers 1951, at noon Pacific Daylight <br />Time of said dates at the Council Chambers at City Hall, Eugene, <br />Oregon, at which time all persons will be heard upon objections or <br />suggestions with regard to the vacation, and at said time the Council <br />will provide for the vacation of the public utility easement or deny <br />such vacation, and in case the vacation is made, will provide and <br />make provision far any damages sustained by local assessment. <br />Section 3. The City Recorder is hereby directed to immediately <br />publish ante each week for four consecutive weeks in a newspaper pub- <br />lished in E~~gene,~ Lane County, Oregon, notice of the proposed vaca- <br />Ordinance - 1 <br />