<br />ORDIAAI~CE hO.
<br />An ordinance levying assessments far paving, sanitary sewer and storm sewer to serve Flatbush
<br />2nd Addition;and paving Terry Street from Raosevelt Avenue to 300 feet south; and
<br />bridge over A-3 Channel at Terry Street.
<br />in the Gity of Eugene, Lane County, Oregon. 31
<br />WiiEREAS, the Cocoon Council of the City of Eugene did by Resolution No. , adopted by
<br />the Common Council on the 25th day of A ri ~ , 19 79 determine to pave 5treetS
<br />and construct sanitary sewer and storm sewer to serve Flatbush 2nd Addition; and paving
<br />Terry Street from Raosevelt Avenue to 300 feet seuth; and bridge aver Aw3 Channel at
<br />Terry `Street.
<br />in the City of Eug2ae, Lane County, Oregon; and
<br />W!IF'REAS, the Corc;on Council of the City of Eugene did by Section 1.195 of the City Cade, detex~cine to
<br />assess for Special Sealer Levy Fund in the city of Eugene, Lane County, Oregon.
<br />~'~REAS, the improvement above described and designated has been made in accordEnee with said ordinance and
<br />the law in such case Cade and pxovided, and the cost thereof and amount to be assessed have been ascertained to be,
<br />Item 1, Cash Payments to Contractor - Contract ~~~~ $ 223,520.57
<br />Contract ~f
<br />Item 2, riaintenar.ce Retainage
<br />Item 3, Other Covets (Describe)
<br />Item G. Deferred Assessments (TS-pe)
<br />Item 5. Amount of regaining warrants issued to complete contract
<br />Item 6. Total Amount for Contract ,r 8Q-21
<br />Item ~. Less - City's Share of Cost far Completed Contract
<br />Ttem b. Plus -
<br />a. DLc TO GE1~'RAL FU?~~D for Liquidated Damages for Paving
<br />b. Dl,~ TO c~~'ER UTILITY for Liquidated Damages for Sewers
<br />Item R, Amount to :~ci.ch 18% City Charges are Applied
<br />Item 10. 'Plus - C~:aid $alance or City's Share (See Item z4 Below)
<br />Item llo Less -Liquidated Damages
<br />Item 12, Less Other Costs (Describe}
<br />Item i3. Plus - Cverpay~nent to Contractor by Warrant
<br />Item 14. ASSESS'.~''~T k`OR}~ I?3 PROCESS
<br />Item 15. Plus - Cn~erpayment to contractor in cash
<br />Item lb. Plus 10" Ci.y Charge for Engineering {10% of Item 9}
<br />Plus 8~ City Charge for Warrant Interest, Postage,
<br />Advertising, and Other (8% of Item 9)
<br />TaTAL CITY c}'ARCE
<br />a. DL'E ~o Wa~zant Rede~pt~on Fund
<br />Item, .7, Plus - D~.'E iO SE~+~ER UTILITY for '~c SPECIAL SEk'ER LEVY
<br />Item 18. Plus - D~ TO S~'ER UTILITY for Lateral Sewer
<br />Equivalent of Trunk Sewer Systen
<br />Item 19. Plus - Dt~:. TO Warrant Redemption Fund fa: Engineering
<br />Charges on City°s Share of Casts
<br />Item 20. Plus - other costs 10/ Fngr. Fee an City Account
<br />Iter~ 21. Plus - L14~idated Damages
<br />Item 22. Less - ire-Pa1d Fngineering Fees
<br />Item 23. p,55E5S'~'.:T RECEIVABLE - Total Assessments per Ordinance
<br />Iter~ 24. Cirv's Snare of Cast far Com feted Contract:
<br />Amount Paid on
<br />Account lOk Construction Monthly
<br />No. En8 ___ Costs estimates -
<br />332-9332~61739~906864 X3,465.59 X34,655.95 X38,121.54
<br />Intersections ~~ 456.32 ~ 4,563.20 ~ 5,D19.52
<br />18,430.14
<br />14,744.2
<br />$ 223,520.57
<br />-39,219.15
<br />184,301.42
<br />39,219.15
<br />223,520.57
<br />33,174.25
<br />1,895.82
<br />3,921.91
<br />-5,463.47
<br />$ _ 257,049.09
<br />$ 33,114.26
<br />Total
<br />TOTALS X3,921.91 X39,2]9.15 __ X43,141.06
<br />