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ORD TNANCE NO .~ s t~4 <br />AN ORDTNANCE CONCERNING TRA~FTC CONT~oL; AMENDING <br />SECT ION 5.010 OF THE EUGENE CODE , 19 71; ADDING A <br />NEW SECTION 5.072 To THAT CDDE, A1ND DECLARING AN <br />EMERGENCY. <br />THE CITY OF EUGENE. DOES ORDA2~V AS FOZLOWS: <br />Section 1. Section 5.014 0~ the Eugene Code, 1971, is hereby <br />amended by inserting in alphabetical order therein the following: <br />5.010 Definitions . In addition to those definitions con- <br />tained in ORS Chapters 4$1 to 485, and 487, the follow- <br />ing words or phrases, except where the context clearly <br />indicates a different meaning, shall mean: <br />Public emergenc~r. Includes, but is not limited <br />-~ <br />to, a traffic hazard, traffic or aircraft accident, <br />riot, fire, public disorder, ar police tactical opera- <br />tion. <br />Public event. Includes, but is not limited to, <br />sporting events, parades, po~.itica~. campaigns, caravans, <br />and public celebrations. <br />Section 2. Anew section 5..072 is hereby added to the Eugene <br />Code, 1971, to read and pxovide: <br />5.072 Authority of Co~un~anity 5er~rice officers , Police Explorer <br />Scouts, and Poli~ce~ Reservists -~ Traffic Control. <br />~l} In the event of a public emergency or public <br />event, as defined in section 5.010 of this code, community <br />service officers, police e~plorex scouts, and police reservists <br />acting at the direction of and under the direct supervision of <br />a police officer sha~.l have the same authority as a police offi- <br />cer when directing traffic on the streets or public thorough- <br />fares of the city. . <br />{.2 } No person shall wilfully f ai 1 to obey a lawful <br />order, signal, or direction of a duly authorized community <br />service officer, police explorex scout, or police reservist, <br />while such individual is engaged in directing traffic pursuant <br />to the provisions of section [1~ o~ this section and is wearing <br />an authorized insignia, or uni~orrn. <br />Section 3. That the provisions contained herein concern the <br />public welfare and safety and,, an emergency is hereby de- <br />ordinance - 1 <br />