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18885 <br />~.d} The number of persons, vehicles, and ani- <br />mals which will be participating in the .parade; <br />~.e} The proposed starting and ending time; and <br />~f~ The signature of the person designated as <br />chairman. <br />~.3} If the chief of police or his designate, on re- <br />ceipt of the application determines that the parade can be <br />conducted without endangering public safety and without seri- <br />ously inconveniencing the general public, he shall approve <br />'the route and date and issue the permit. If the chief of police <br />or his designate determines that the parade cannot be conducted <br />at any place or at any time without endangering public safety, <br />he shall deny the permit. In determining whether public safety <br />is endangered by conducting the parade, the police chief shall <br />consider whether reliable information shows that parade organi- <br />zers intend to engage in violence during the course of the <br />parade. <br />~.4~ If the chief of police or his designate determines <br />that the parade as requested cannot be conducted without seri- <br />. ously inconveniencing the general public, he shall issue the <br />permit with approval of a different route or date. In deter- <br />~mining whether to propose a different route or date, the police <br />chief shall consider the following criteria: <br />~.a} Whether the parade is likely to cause ex- <br />cessive traffic congestion; <br />~b~ whether the parade is likely to interfere <br />substantially with previously approved or planned <br />parades or public gatherings; and, <br />~,c} whether the parade is likely to interfere <br />substantially with the orderly operation of govern- <br />~~ - mental or private commercial business by blocking <br />access to such enterprises for a long period of time. <br />- ~ {.~~ The chief of police shall notify the applicant of <br />his decision within 48 hours of receipt of the application. If <br />the chief of police or his designate refuses to issue a parade <br />.permit as requested, he shall issue written findings specifying <br />the reasons for the decision and furnish those findings to the <br />~~~ ~ applicant with the noti~ficatian of the decision. <br />~6~ If the chief of police proposes alternatives or <br />refuses~to issue a permit, the applicant shall have the right <br />to appeal his decision to the council. <br />~7~ The chief of police shall develop and publish <br />administrative rules governing the issuance of parade permits. <br />Such rules may include, but not be limited to provisions which: <br />~a~ Restrict the days and times for permis- <br />sible~ parades; <br />~b~ Designate certain major streets which <br />cannot be used for parades; and <br />~c~ Impose insurance obligations and costs for <br />extra police ser~uices fax the organizers of parades. <br />ordinance - 2 <br />