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18911 <br />2.007 <br />~d~ Recommendations of the city manager with <br />respect to liquor license applications. <br />Section 2. There is hereby added to the Eugene Code, 1971, a <br />new section to be numbered and provide: <br />2.1100 Liquor License~Ap lications - Local Review by City <br />~~anager . <br />{1} The city manager, or his or her designate, is <br />authorized to exercise the authority granted the city council <br />in ORS 472.120. when making the recommendation to the Oregon <br />Liquor Control Commission, the city manager shall review the <br />application for compliance with the provisions of this code <br />and CRS Chapters 471 and 472 as .now enacted ar hereafter <br />amended. <br />~2~ Whenever the city manager recommends denial of <br />an application or, if the request is received before the city <br />manager makes his ar her recommendation, upon written request <br />of an interested person that the city manager state the rea- <br />sons for the recommendation, the city manager shall so state <br />the reasons for his or her recommendation and cause written <br />notice of the decision to be sent to the applicant and the <br />requestor. The written notice shall be hand delivered or sent <br />by certified mail and shall also advise the recipient of the <br />provisions of subsection ~3} of this section. <br />~3} Any person aggrieved by the recommendation of <br />the city manager shall within 10 days of the date on the city <br />manager's recommendation file his or her objections thereto <br />in writing with the city manager for consideration by the <br />city council as provided in section 2.00797 of this chapter. <br />Section 3. That the provisions contained herein concern the <br />public welfare and safety and therefore, an emergency is hereby de~- <br />Glared to exist, and this Ordinance shall become effective immedi- <br />ately upon its passage by the City Council and approval by the Mayor. <br />Passed by the City Council this <br />20th day of January, 1982 <br />G~~G~'~` ~~~ <br />City Record <br />Approved by the Mayor this <br />20th day of January, 1982 <br />Mayor <br />Ordinance - 2. <br />