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18936 <br />ties and equipment for access program origination. Grantee <br />shall by December 31, 1982, make available to the Commission <br />a premises for the access center under terms and conditions <br />mutually agreed to by grantee and the Commission and purchase <br />equipment for the access center as directed by the Commission <br />for a cost to grantee of no less than $140,000, Grantee <br />shall purchase additional equipment as directed by the <br />Commission for a cast to grantee of no less than $60,000 by <br />December 31, 1983. In addition, for calendar years 1982, <br />1983 and 1984, grantee shall provide: one full-time tech- <br />nician employed by grantee to maintain the access center <br />equipment and shall pay the Commission or its designee for <br />operation of the access center $50,000 per year on or before <br />January 31 of each year, except in 1982 payment shall be made <br />within 30 days of grantee's acceptance of this amendment to <br />the franchise ordinance. No later than September 30, 1983, <br />grantee and Commission shall review the use and financial <br />support for the access center, the potential for increasing <br />community use and financial participation and the possibility <br />of adjusting grantee's and grantor's financial support. <br />~b~ Grantee shall maintain studio, facilities, and <br />equipment in satisfactory condition both electronically and <br />mechanically without charge. <br />~c} Until the access center is cablecasting <br />programs on the dedicated channel within basic service, gran- <br />tee shall continue to operate a studio and equipment for <br />ordinance - 9 <br />