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1893 <br />appearance on the citation issued at impoundment, <br />prov~.ded the person secura,ng release of the vehicle <br />had no notice of the opportunity for a hearing under <br />subsection ~5} of section 5.135 of this chapter,. <br />~6} This section shall not apply to vehicles im- <br />pounded under the direction of a police officer for: <br />(a} Criminal investigative purposes, or <br />[b} For safekeeping when the operator of the <br />vehicle is unable to safely and lawfully park the <br />vehicle. <br />If the owner fails to claim the veha,cle within five days <br />after its impoundment or notice of its release from criminal <br />investigations, it shall be ~,mpounded, redeemed or sold as <br />provided in this section and section 5.b99 of this chapter. <br />5.704 "Boat" -- Installation. <br />~l} When a driver, owner o~ person in charge of a <br />vehicle is cited for violation of section 5.231 the officer <br />issuing .the citation shall: <br />~_a} Immobilize the vehicle temporarily, until <br />11:00 a.m. of the following day, by installing on or <br />attaching to the vehicle a device designed to res- <br />trict the normal movement of the vehicle; <br />~.b} Conspicuously affix to the vehicle the <br />written notice prescribed in subsection (2} of this <br />section; <br />~c} Using the records of the Oregon Motor ve- <br />hicle Division or other record readily available, <br />mail the notice prescribed in subsection ~2} of this <br />section to the owner; and <br />~d} Unless release of the vehicle is arranged <br />by 11:00 a.m. of the following day, remove the ve- <br />hicle from the street or other public property as <br />provided in section 5.~~5 of this code. <br />~.2} The notice required by subsection ~l} of this <br />section shall conta~,n: <br />~a} The name of the city employee ordering the <br />temporary immobilization; <br />fib} A description of the vehicle and its loca- <br />tion; <br />Vic} A statement <br />ary immobilization of <br />ence to the section of <br />~d} Where to go <br />the veh~.cle; <br />(_e} The date and <br />the vehicle towed and <br />resulting in the sale <br />of the reason for the tempor- <br />the vehicle including a refer- <br />this code violated; <br />and how to obtain release of <br />time when the city will have <br />stored at the owner's expense, <br />of the vehicle to satisfy these <br />Ordinance - 10 <br />