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IB937 <br />operation of vehicles parked in adjacent parking spaces. <br />~2} Cycles may also park in the triangular or rec- <br />tangular areas specified and designated adjacent to the be- <br />ginning or ending of angle parking stalls when signs or <br />markings have been installed allowing said parking. The <br />cycle must occupy the space within the marked lines placed <br />for the purpose of showing the Limits of available parking <br />space for cycles. <br />(_3} Where parking space markings are placed on a <br />street, in a parking lot or ~,n a parking structure, no per- <br />son shall stand or park a vehicle other than in the indicated <br />direction, other than in a marked space and, unless the size <br />or shape of the vehicle makes compliance impossible, other <br />than within a single marked space. <br />~4} The operator who first begins maneuvering a ve- <br />hicle into a vacant parking space on a street shall have <br />priority to park in that space, and no other vehicle operator <br />shall attempt to deprive the first operator of the priority <br />or block access to the vacant parking space. <br />t.5} whenever the operator of a vehicle discovers <br />that his or her vehicle is parked close to a building to <br />which the fire department or ambulance service has been <br />summoned. the operator shall immediately remove the vehicle <br />from the area. unless otherwise directed by police. ambulance <br />or fire officers. <br />5.225 Prohibited Stouoin , Standin and Parking. <br />~_1} No person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle <br />in such a manner or location that it constitutes a hazard to <br />public safety or an obstruction to vehicle, bicycle or pedes- <br />trian traffic on the street, which shall include, but not be <br />limited to, stopping, standing or parking: <br />~a} on a sidewalk; <br />~,b} Within an intersection; <br />~..c} on a crosswalk; <br />~..d}. ~1ong side or opposite a street excava- <br />tion or obstruction when stopping, standing or <br />parking would obstruct traffic; <br />Vie} Upon a bridge or other elevated structure <br />used as a street or within a street tunnel; <br />~f} On any railroad tracks or within 7.5 feet <br />of the nearest rail at a time when the parking of <br />vehicles would conflict with railraad operations or <br />repair of the railroad tracks; <br />fig} on a throughway; <br />~h} In the area between roadways of a divided <br />highway, ,including cross ovens; <br />~_i} In a bicycle lane, unless there is at <br />least 3.5 feet of unobstructed bicycle lane between <br />the standing or parked vehicle and the nearest veh i- <br />cular lane; or <br />ordinance - 4 <br />