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!8937 <br />~.3} No operator shall park and no owner shall allow <br />a vehicle to be parked: <br />~.a} Conta~nuausly for a time longer than the <br />maximum tune limit posted an an official sign ar <br />provided in this chapter; <br />fib} Except as provided in subsection ~5} of <br />this section, in an alley other than for the expedi~ <br />tious loading ox unloading of persons or property, <br />but in no case for a period in excess of 30 consecu- <br />tive minutes in any two-hour period; <br />~c} In a zone designated by official signs as <br />a loading zone when the hours applicable to that <br />loading zone are in effect for any purpose or length <br />of time other than for the expeditious loading or <br />unloading of persons or property for more than the <br />time limits posted or in the event no time limits <br />are posted,for a period in excess of 30 consecutive <br />minutes in any two-hour period; <br />~d} Within the area between the.curb or curb <br />line and the sidewalk line or outer edge of the side- <br />walk commonly known as the parking strip; <br />~.e} On either side of the street in front of <br />or adjacent to a residence, motel, apartment house, <br />hotel or other place with sleeping accomadations be- <br />tween the hours of 10:00 p.rn. and 6:00 a.m, of the <br />following day if the vehicle is a motorbus or motor <br />truck as defined in ORS 4$3.014 or a trailer bearing <br />a P.U.C. license; <br />.~f} Contrary to the written conditions upon <br />which a parking permit or meter hood was issued by <br />the city; <br />fig} Except as provided in sections 4.350 and <br />5.365, in a parking space which has a parking meter <br />covered bar an official parking hood; <br />~h} Qn a street for the principal purpose of : <br />1. Displaying the vehicle for sale; <br />2. Repairing or servicing the vehicle, <br />except repairs necessitated by an emergency; <br />3. Displaying advertising from the <br />vehicle; yr <br />4. Selling merchandise from the vehicle, <br />except when authorized; <br />~.i} any place in violation of the limitations <br />contained on posted official signs; or <br />~j} Any other place or manner prohibited by <br />state law. <br />~.4} The operator ox owner of a vehicle has not vio- <br />lated the provisions of this section: <br />ta} When the disregard thereof is necessary <br />to avoid conflict with other traffic, or in com-~ <br />pliance with law or at the direction of a police <br />Ordinance -~ 6 <br />