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1893 <br />of Cit Pro~ert~. <br />. 2 7 0 Use. ,~, .,.., , ~,.,.~ .. ~'._~.,... <br />~1} Regulations of this chapter shall not revent <br />P <br />the use of city property by the city, its employees and <br />agents for a designsted purpose and shall not be deemed to <br />prohibit the use of public ways and roadsides in parks ex- <br />cept on areas where the parking of vehicles will damage the <br />improved grounds. <br />~~} No person shall park yr stare a vehicle on <br />property of the city except on written permission from the <br />designated city official. <br />~3} The authorization granted under this section <br />shall be of a type prescribed by the city, and shall be on <br />the dashboard of the vehicle so as to be visible and readable <br />through the front windshield from outside the vehicle or dis- <br />played as otherwise provided in the written conditions upon <br />which the authorization is granted. <br />5.655 Failure to Com ~, With Parkin Citation. If the op- <br />erator dues not respond to a parking citation <br />affixed to a vehicle within a period of five days, the muni- <br />cipal court may send to the owner of the vehicle to which the <br />parking citation was affixed, a letter informing him or her <br />of the violation and warning him or her that the vehicle is <br />subject to impoundment and may be sold if not redeemed. <br />5.670 Re istered Owner Pre tion. In a pro c n of a <br />-- _ _.g_ - - , ~ _ , ,_ ,._,.._..~,..,.,.~. s ump .~.,~, _._ s e u t i o <br />vehicle owner charging a violation of a restriction <br />on parking, proof that the vehicle at the time of the viola- <br />tion was registered to the defendant shall constitute a pre- <br />sumption that the defendant was then the owner in fact. <br />5.695 Impoundment of vehicles. <br />~l} When this c~~o~de or state law provide for impound- <br />ing a vehicle, it shall be given a citation and may be removed <br />by or under the direction of a police officer or parking con- <br />trol officer of the city; taken to the city facilities far <br />storing vehicles or to some reputable vehicle storage facility; <br />and kept there until it is redeemed or sold. <br />~2} The city employee directing the impoundment shall <br />determine if the vehicle exceeds $750.00 in value at the time <br />the vehicle is impounded. <br />~3} Within 48 hours following the impoundment of a <br />vehicle authorized by this code, the city shall notify the <br />Ordinance -- 8 <br />