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residential and general stormwater customer, based upon the <br />actual number of equivalent service units for each developed <br />property or an average number of equivalent ' service units for a <br />specific class. Special surcharges for stormwater service <br />customers who receive extraordinary service shall be in addition <br />to the standard charges for the customer's classification. <br />6.421 . Charges - Collection and Payment The Eugene water & Electric Board is <br />directed to collect the charges provided for in sections 6.401 through 6.610. <br />Charges levied pursuant to sections 6.401 through 6.610 shall be determined <br />by the city manager or his/her designee and certified to the Eugene water & <br />Electric Board and any other water utility obligated to collect such charges. <br />Revenue collected by the Eugene water & Electric Board shall be paid <br />monthly to the city and shall be deposited in the appropriate fund for <br />wastewater operations or for stormwater operations for use in providing <br />sewer service including debt service and such other services as the council <br />may direct, except that revenue collected based on the criteria contained in <br />subsection ( of section 6.411 of this code shall be deposited in the <br />appropriate fund for road operations to be used for the reconstruction, repair, <br />maintenance, operation, and preservation of city -owned roads and streets <br />within the city, roads and streets which the city is contractually or legally <br />obligated to operate and maintain, or roads and streets for which the city has <br />accepted responsibility under intergovernmental agreement. Revenue <br />collected based on the criteria contained in subsection (2)0) of section 6.411 <br />of this code may not be used for capacity - enhancing street improvements. <br />Section 2 . The City Recorder, at the request of, or with the consent of the City <br />Attorney, is authorized to administratively correct any reference errors contained herein, <br />or in other provisions of the Eugene Code, 1971, to the provisions added, amended or <br />repealed herein. <br />Section 3 . Notwithstanding Section 6.421 of the Eugene Code, 1971, <br />$500,000.00 from the fund for stormwater operations and /or the fund for wastewater <br />operations may be used during FY 10 for the reconstruction, repair, maintenance, <br />operation, and preservation of city -owned roads and streets within the city, roads and <br />streets which the city is contractually or legally obligated to operate and maintain, or <br />roads and streets for which the city has accepted responsibility under intergovernmental <br />agreement. <br />Ordinance - Page 4 of 5 <br />