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18969 <br />and running thence north to the center line of Sth <br />Avenue; thence, easterly to the west lane of lot 8 <br />(if extended sQutherl~~} In black S, Skinners Addi- <br />tion; thence, north along said west lane to the <br />center of the east west alley between lth Avenue and <br />8th Avenues; thence, east to the center of block 7, <br />Skinners Addition; thence, north b~ feet; thence east <br />to th.e center lane of Alive Street; thence, north to <br />the center line of 7th Avenue; thence, east to the <br />center of the north-south alley between Willamette <br />Street and Oak Street; thence, south to the center <br />line of South Park Street; thence, east to the center <br />line of East Park Street; thence, north to the center <br />line of 8th Avenue; thence, east to the center line <br />of Pearl Street; thence, south to the center line of <br />11th Avenue; thence, west to the center of the north- <br />south alley between Pearl Street and Oak Street; <br />thence, south to the north line of lot~6, black 2, <br />Christian's Addition; thence, west to the center line <br />of Oak Street; thence, north to the south line of lot <br />4 ~.if extended east} , black 2O, Mulliganr s Donation; <br />thence, west to the center of the north-south alley <br />between Oak Street and Willamette Street; thence, <br />south 12O feet; thence west to the center line of <br />Willamette Street; thence, north to the north line <br />of lot l ~.if extended east}, block A, Dorris Addition; <br />thence, west to the center of the north-south alley <br />between Willamette Street and Olive Street; thence, <br />south to the center of the east--west alley between <br />11th Avenue and 12th Avenue; thence, west to the <br />center line of Olive Street; thence, north to the <br />center line of llth Avenue; thence, west to the center <br />line of Charnelton Street; thence, north to the center <br />line of 14th Avenue; and thence, west to the paint of <br />beginning. <br />2.155 Downtown Commission - Membershi Term; vacancies. <br />~l} The commission shall consist of seven voting mem- <br />bers to be appointed by the council, and two ex officio non- <br />voting members, the c~.ty manager or his/her .designee and the <br />executive director, to be.appainted by the city manager. <br />(2} voting members of the commission shall hold office <br />for four years. The ex officio members shall hold office at <br />the pleasure of the city manager. <br />~3} Any voting membex who masses more than three con- <br />secutive regular meetings without having been given a leave of <br />absence by the commission shall be removed by the council, and <br />Ordinance - 5 <br />