<br />~. ~ ~ Ro ers Engineering ~EU,SZ-l}
<br />9
<br />~~ ,
<br />~~ ExH~BIT :~A~, ~~
<br />Below is a listing of public utility easements ~P,U.E.} which are to be
<br />~~ vacated, al 1 of which 1 ie within Fairway View P,U.D, , reel at of Lot 105,
<br />oa kway First Addition , Sec, 20, T. l 75 , R. 3W, , W.M. , City of Eugene,
<br />Lane County, Dregon:
<br />1. The l foot wide P,U,E, adjacent to the northerly line of Lot 1
<br />.. ~ Tax Lot 531 }. .~
<br />2, The 7 foot wide P.U.E. adjacent to the northerly line .and the ? foot ~ '
<br />.wide P. U. E, adjacent to the easterly line of Lot 2 Tax Lot 530 } ,
<br />~~~~:~~~~~~~}~~~-~>~ ~ . ~ ~ excepti ng those portions lying within the 25 foot wide P. U. E, and the
<br />~~~~ ~ ~ ~~ '~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 5 foot wide P,U. E, ~~ adjacent to the southerly l ~ ne of s.a~ d l ot:. ~ ~ ~ ~~~. ~ ' :~
<br />. ~ 3. The ~7 foot wide P. U, E. adjacent to the northerly 1 i ne of Lot 3 .~ ~ ~. ~,~ .' ~` !; ~, . ~~
<br />., ,
<br />~~ ~ti. ~ ~ ~ Tax Lot 529}, excepting that portion lying within the 25 foot ~ ~~~ ~;~ : ~ -~
<br />wide P.U.E. The 7 foot wide P,U.E. adjacent to the westerly line ~~
<br />of said Lot excepting those portions lying within the 25 foot wide P.U.E.
<br />,.~ and the 5 foot wide P,U.E, adjacent to the southerly line of said lot.
<br />4. The 7 foot wide P.U.E. adjacent to the northerly line of Lot 4
<br />~~ Tax Lot 52S}.
<br />,f '
<br />5. The 7 foot wide P.U.E. adjacent to the nartherl~y 1 i ne of Lot 5 .
<br />Tax Lot 527. ~ ~ .
<br />6. The ?foot wide P.U.E, adjacent to the northerly line of Lot fi
<br />,.
<br />Tax Lot 5~6 } .
<br />1. The 7 foot wide P,U.E. adjacent to the northerly line of Lot l
<br />Tax Lot 525}.
<br />8. The 7 foot wide P , U . E , adjacent to the northerly 1 i ne of Lot . 8
<br />Tax Lot 501}, excepting that portion lying within the 7 food wide
<br />P.U.E. adjacent to the easterly line of said Lot.
<br />9. ~ The ?foot wide P.U.E, adjacent to the southerl~r~ l one of Lqt l3
<br />Tax Lot 506}, excepting those portions 1yi.ng within the 5 ~foat
<br />wide P.U.E. adjacent to the westerly line and the ?foot wide
<br />P,U,E, adjacent to the easterly line of said Lot,
<br />. 10. The 7 foot ~wi de P. U, E. ~ ad jacent to .the northerly 1 i ne of Lot ] 4
<br />. Tax Lot 507 }, excepting those portions lying within the 5 foot
<br />wide P,U.E~. adjacent to the westerly line and the 7 foot wide
<br />. P.U.E. adjacent to the easterly line'of said Lot.
<br />