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NOTICE OF STREET VACATIONS <br />TO ALL PERSONS WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: <br />NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that at a meeting of the City Council <br />of the City of Eugene, held at the Council Chambers at City Hall, <br />Eugene, Oregon, on the 8th day of September, 1982, there were passed <br />by the City Council and approved by the Mayor of the City of Eugene, <br />Lane County, Oregon, Ordinances setting hearings to be held on the <br />20th day of October, 1982, at 12.00 noon, Pacific Daylight Time, at <br />the Council Chambers at City Hall, Eugene, Oregon, for the purpose <br />of hearing remonstrances and protests against the vacation by Ordi- <br />nances of the City Council of the fallowing: <br />STREET VACATION <br />Vacation of a portion of a 30 foot wide right of way <br />located on the North side of Dellwood Drive and south <br />of 37th Avenue; the remaining 14 feet of right of way <br />being presented improved with a pedestrian/bile path, <br />all as more particularly described in the above des- <br />cribed Ordinance, and located between Tax Lots 1704 <br />and 112 - Assessor's Map 18-03-07-3 4. <br />RESERVING herein public utility easements upon the <br />ground, beneath the ground, and above the ground <br />across the North 12 feet and the Vest ll feet of the <br />vacated area; and slope easements over the south 5 <br />feet and the west 5 feet of the vacated area, and the <br />right to enter thereupon for purposes of construction, <br />maintenance and repair. <br />City of Eugene - Clayton Hills Plat - SV 81.4} <br />STREET VACATION <br />Vacation of a portion of Dove Lane 18 .feet in width <br />and running a distance of approximately 110 feet along <br />the South margin of Dove Lane located east of Echa <br />Hollow Road, all as more particularly described in the <br />above referred to Ordinance, being a portion of Tax <br />Lot 2900, Assessor's Map 1704--22-2 2. <br />RESERVING herein a public utility easement upon the <br />ground, beneath the ground and above the ground across <br />the entire parcel, and the right to enter thereupon <br />for purposes of construction, maintenance and repair. <br />City of Eugene - Dove Lane SV 82-2 } <br />The City Council will consider and act upon the proposed vacations <br />on the 20th day of October, 1982, at 12:00 noon, Pacific Daylight Time, <br />at the Council~Chambers, City Ha11, Eugene, Oregon, and will consider <br />Ordinances vacating the above. All persons .having objections thereto <br />or remonstrances or protests are hereby notified to present the same <br />to the City Council, in writing prior to said hearing or at said time <br />and place, <br />WARREN G. SONG <br />C~TX RECORDER <br />