/ 909
<br />~~'o .
<br />On the first clay of
<br />upon surrender of tl•~is coupon
<br />l~~~ai n Branch, Eugene, Oregon, a
<br />the State of Oregon, dew York,
<br />April
<br />October, ~9 , City of Eugene, State of Oregon,
<br />at the First interstate Bank of Oregon, Eugene
<br />r at the principal office of the fiscal agency of
<br />New York, will pay to bearer the sure of
<br />Dollars ~~ ~, in la~rrful money
<br />of the ~inited States of America, for interest then due on its General Obliaatian
<br />Bancroft Improvement Bond, Series "I", dated er ~, 1982, an bearing No. .
<br />F7 Hance Officer ~r~ayor
<br />Section 5. Sale. The Finance Officer shall cause to be published a
<br />notice of sale, in the manner provided by ORS 237.a14 to 287.026, in at least
<br />two ~2} issues of the Eugene Register Guard, a newspaper of general circulation,
<br />printed and published within the City of Eugene, Lane County, aregon, and a
<br />summary thereof, once in the Daily Journal of Co~~merce, a newspaper of general
<br />circulation, printed and published within the City of Portland , ~rlul tonor~ah County,
<br />Oregon, and once in The Band Buyer, New York, blew York, which notice shall call
<br />for sealed, written bids for the purchase of said bonds to be presented and
<br />filed with the Deputy Finance Officer at his office in the City F1all of the City
<br />an or prior to the hour of 11:00 a.m., Pacific Time, on the 29th day of September,
<br />1982, at which time and place said bids shall be publicly opened for consideration
<br />and further that the Council of the City of Eugene will meet at the hour of 12:D0
<br />!'`loon, Pacific Time, on the 29th day of September, 1982, in the Council Chamber in
<br />the City Hall of the City to consider the bids so opened and to accept ar reject
<br />any b7d so made. The notice of sale shall further state tl`~at the bonds will be
<br />sold to the bidder offering the lowest true interest cast to the City for not less
<br />than ninety-eight percent ~98/~ of par with accrued interest, and that each bid
<br />shall be accompanied by a certified or cashier's check on a solvent commercial
<br />bank in the State of aregon in an amount equal to two percent ~2l} of the par
<br />value of the bonds offered for sale as evidence of good faith on the part of the
<br />bidder.
<br />Section ~. Ever enc . This ordinance being necessary for the ir~me-
<br />diate preservation of the public peace, health and safety of the City of Eugene,
<br />in order to obtain sufficient funds to pay for public improvements, an emergency
<br />is hereby declared to exist and this ordinance shall be in full force and effect
<br />immediately upon its passage by the Council and approval by the l`~ayor.
<br />Passed by the unanir~ous vote of the Council, with a quorum in atten-
<br />dance, this 8th day of September, 1.982.
<br />Approved by the I`~~ayor this 8th day of September, 1982.
<br />ATTEST: D:
<br />G~2~'L~z ~i~
<br />Recorder Playor
<br />Page ~ -Ordinance
<br />