<br />Al sv begi nn i~ng at the southwest career of Lot 5, B1 ack 7 , Shaves Second Addition
<br />as platted and recorded in Baok G, page 364, Lane Caunty Plat Records, Lane County
<br />Oregon; thence north 206 feet, mare or 1 ess ai ong the easterly margin of Hi 1 and
<br />y
<br />Street to the southerly boundary of the ~~~11 Race; thence east 450 feet, more or
<br />less, alang the southerly boundary of said Mi 11 Race, to the westerly margin of
<br />AI der Street; thence south 230 feet along said margin of Al der Street to the .
<br />northerly margin of 11th Avenue East; thence west 451.5 feet along said margin
<br />of 11th Avenue east to the point of beginning, all in Lane County, Oregon.
<br />Tax Lots 540, 604, 700, 11300, 11400--Assessor's Map 17-03-31-4 1
<br />The southerly 35 feet of Lot 3, and Lois 4 and 5,B1 ock 3, E~ 1 sworths Addition
<br />as p1 atted and recorded i n Book ,page , Lane County PI at Records , Lane
<br />County, Oregon.
<br />Also Lots 1 and 2, Block 4 of said E11sworth's Additian, all in lane County,
<br />Oregon. -~
<br />,.
<br />Tax Lots 3004 , 3100 , 3600 , 3800 , 4000 , 4100 , 4200 , 4600 , 4700 , 4800 , 4900 , Suuu,
<br />5100, 5200, 5300, 5400, 5500, 7500, 7800, 1801, 7904, 8000, 5100; 8200, 8300,
<br />8400, 8500, 5600, 5700, 5800, 8907, 9000, 9170, 9200, 9300, 9400, 9500, 9100,
<br />10640, 1000, 10800--Assessar's flap 17-0332-32.
<br />and 4 and the southerl 21.95 feet of Lat 4, and
<br />the wes~er ~y 9l feet of Lois 1 , ~ Y .
<br />Lats 5 ~ S, 9, and 10, ~1 ock 4, Shaw s Addy t~ an as platted and retarded ~n
<br />a e 234 ~i~alume A, Lane County Plat Records; Lane County, Oregon. .
<br />pg
<br />Also, Lats 1, 2, 3, and 4, Block 5 of said Shaws Additian.
<br />Ai so Lat i5, the southerly 2 i .8 feet of Lot 6, Lots 1,5, 9, and 10, Block 3, of
<br />said Shaws Additian.
<br />Also Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 7, Black 6, of said Shaves Addition, excepting a
<br />portion of Lot 7 which consists of the southerly 6.6 feet of Lat 1, and the
<br />easterly 50 feet of that portion of Lot 7 which extends 18.6 feet .north from
<br />the southerly boundary of said lot.
<br />Also, Lot 1, Block C, of said Shaws Additian ; al 1 i n Cane Caunty , Oregon .
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