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f8'~oo <br />c} In the form of wages earned i n an employer-employee relationship. <br />d} From the infrequent sale of used, obsolete or surplus trade <br />fixtures, machinery or other equipment used i n the ordinary course of <br />business. <br />e} From the infrequent sale of goods by individuals or groups of <br />individuals from garages, parches, carports , or yards not conducted as <br />part of a business. <br />f } I n the form of interest or dividends from a n investment , <br />except where the interest or dividend i s a porti an of the normal gross <br />receipts of a busi Hess. <br />g} Aggregating 1 ess than ~1,OQ0 i n a si ng1 e year for a s i ngl e <br />person. <br />h } From a busi Hess of a charity organized for and conferring <br />on people in the city a benefit that partly ar totally relieves the city <br />of a burden to care for, ar advance the interests of those peop1 e, pro <br />vided the business does not yield a dividend or profit to the charity or <br />the persons who own or manage the business and does not compete with other <br />private enterprise. <br />i } From 1 eas i ng three or fewer dwel 1 i ng units. <br />j } From fund~rai s i ng activities of ref i gi ous or chari tabl e <br />organizations conducted primari 1y by and for the members. <br />Section 4. There is hereby added to the Eugene Code, 1971, a new section <br />numbered 3.516, and reading: <br />3.816 Business Tax--Registration <br />1} Before doing business in the city, a person shat 1 obtai n <br />a certificate of regi strati on for the busi ness~. A person desiring to <br />do business i n the city sha11 apply for regi strati on with the finance <br />department. The regi strati on fee sha11 be $10.00 per certificate. <br />2} The finance department sha11 prescribe and supply the form <br />of the application for regi strati an and the certificate of registration <br />in accordance with Section 3.824. No person may intentionally falsify <br />the application, and the application form shat 1 warn that doing so i s <br />puni shab1 e under Section 3.992. The department, upon receiving an appl i <br />cation and fee, as required by subsection ~1 } of this section, shat 1 issue <br />the regi strant a certi f i cote. <br />3} If a business is carried on in two or more locations in <br />the city, separate registration certificates shall be issued for each <br />1 ocati on. ~farehouses and distributing, prefabricating and service <br />facilities incidental to a business are not separate locations of the <br />business within the meaning of this subsection. <br />ORDINANCE-~~11 <br />