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18"f'-8 <br />~b~ A lication for license. The board of <br />appeals shall qualify applicants for gas piping <br />or venting licenses by conducting examinations. <br />The examinations shall be designed to determine <br />a license applicant's knowledge of the standards <br />for safe and satisfactory installation, the use <br />of gas burning equipment and piping systems and <br />competency tv perform such installations. The board <br />shall prepare written and oral examinations to <br />determine the qualifications and competency of all <br />. pexsons making appl,icativns for a gas fitter' s <br />license end shall adopt rules and regulations per- <br />taining to the giving of the examinations. The <br />examination papers sha,~.l be filed as official re- <br />cords of the board. <br />~C ~ N~en~bership o board of ap eals . The board <br />shall consist of five members appointed by the mayor, <br />one member to be appointed initially for five years, <br />one for four years , cane ~ f or three years , one for <br />two years and one to serve one year. ,Thereafter <br />each new member shall serve for five years or until <br />his or her successor has been appointed. The <br />building official ox his designee shall be an ex <br />officio member of the board but shall have no vote. <br />The building official or his designee shall act as <br />secretary to the board. <br />~d} Qualifications of board. members. Each <br />board member shall be a l~,censed professional mech- <br />anical engineer, a ~.icensed architect or other <br />person.q~alified by experience and training to pass <br />on matters pertaining to mechanical systems and <br />mechanical equipment of buildings. At no time <br />shall theee be more than two board members from <br />the same profession or business. At least one board <br />member shall be a licensed professional mechanical <br />engineer and one member shall be a licensed archi-~ <br />test with mechanical equipment and mechanical <br />systems experience. <br />Vie} Procedures of the board. All hearings <br />shall be pub~,ic, and the appellant or license appli- <br />cant, his representatives, the building official <br />and any other person whose interests may be affected <br />by the mattex an appeal or by the license applica- <br />tion shall be given an apportun.ity to be heard. <br />The board shall, affirm, modify or reverse the deci- <br />sion Qf the building official by a concurring vote <br />of three members. The board shall adopt reasonable <br />rules and regulations and shall render all deci- <br />sions and findings in writing to the license appli- <br />cant or appellant. <br />~c~ Section 3Q4 is amended to read: <br />Section ~3~~4, Permit Fees. Any person apply- <br />ing for a permit required by this code shall, at the <br />time of filing an application, pay a fee as established <br />ordinance - 2 <br />