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18H51 <br />77-a3-os ~30~ <br />ALSO : Beginning at a poi nt which i s 1185.36 feet 589° 32 ` 15"E. and <br />1191.05 feet N00°38' E, of the SW corner of the AI vi n B, Stevens DLC #40, <br />Township 17 South, Range 3 West, ~~~i 11 amette Meridian, running thence <br />N0~°38' E. 940.91 feet to the center1,i ne of Ayres Road, thence a1 ong jai d <br />centerline S88°31 `E. 1459.91 feet to i nterseet with the centerl i ~e of <br />Gi 1 ham Raad; thence a1 ang sal d centerline South 903.05 feet; thence ~~est <br />.14.69.81 feed to the point of beg? nni ng i n Lane County Oregon. <br />Beginning at a poi nt which i s 1185.36 feet S89 °32 ` l 5"E. 558.52 .feet <br />N04°38'E. of the SW corner of the A.B. Stevens DLC #4D, in Township ~7 <br />South, Range 3 West, Wi 1lamette .Meridian, running thence NOO°3S' E. <br />532,53 feet; thence East IE3.50 feet; thence SOO°38'W. 532.53 feet ; <br />thence .West 163, 6o feet to the point of beginning i n Lane County Oregon <br />containing more or less 33.0 acres. ~. <br />`Less : 1.08 i n County Road. <br />Except. Tax Lot 1307 containing 1, 28 acres per M122/54201 ~. <br />17--03-08 1303 <br />ALSO: Beginning at the intersection of the South 1 of County Road i n <br />DLC of Alvin B. Stevens and wf. #40, Township 17 South, Range 3 West,, <br />1~i 1 ~ amette Mere di an , with the 1 i ne between the 1 ands of A. A, ~i n g and <br />Cynthis A. Lyons as the same ran 2/28/1891, Section 8 of said T & R, <br />said point also being 2087.8 feet ~~orth and 1467.40 feet N88°29'W, of <br />the SE corner of said DLC #40, run thence South 110.0 feet to the true <br />point of begi n,ni ng, run thence South 224.0 feet to the SW corner of sai d <br />certain .mtg. tract, thence East 124.9 feet, thence N29°35' W. 253.0 feet <br />to the~true point of beginning. <br />..5- <br />