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17-D3-20-1 ~ 4400 <br />18~F56 <br />EXH~BTT A <br />Parcel 1: <br />Beginning at the stone marking the SW~corner of the G. Bogart DLC #l1, <br />- an the centerline of Cad Young Road In Section ~20, 175, R3W of the <br />Willamette Meridian, thence North 60.0 feet to a paint, thence 589°20'E.~ <br />1?9.96 Teet to the true .point of beginning said paint being the inter <br />. section of the North line of Cal Young Road with the East dine of Willa- <br />. kenzie Road, thence along the ,Easterly and Southerly line of Willakenzie <br />Road the f of l awi ng courses and .distances : Around a curve to the right <br />having a radius of 4o feet the long chord of which bears N44°42'W. 56.25 <br />feet thence NDO°04'W. 57.8.34 feet to a point; thence around a curve to <br />the right havi ng a radi us of 349.48 feet to the point of compound curve; <br />thence around a curve to the right, the long chord of which bears Nl3°42'40"E.' <br />~60fi.50 feet, thence S80°19' S0"E. fi06.53 feet to the NW corner of a tract <br />of land conveyed to Eugene Broadcasters, inc. by .deed Rec. 7/2fi/49.per <br />1~al~ume .399/172 , Deed records of Lane County' oregon thence 1 eavi ng sai d <br />read and S34°D8'4D"E. 28D.2b feet following the southwesterly line of said <br />Eugene Broadcasters tract to an Iran pipe set la feet perpendicular to <br />the centerline of Coburg Road, thence S22°30'13"W. ?86.8? feet parallel <br />with and 74 feet Westerly from the centerline of said Coburg Raad to a <br />. point fi4 feet Northerly and perpendi cut ar~ to the centerline of Gal Young <br />Road thence N89°20'W. 111D.81 feet parallel with and 60 feet Northerly . <br />from the centerline of said Cal Young Raad to the point of beginning in <br />Lane County Oregon. <br />EXCEPT: 0.44 acres to Tax Lot 4401 per 8360/96591. <br />EXCEPT: D.40 acres to Tax Lot 4442 per .8360/96592. <br />.EXCEPT: D.40 acres to Tax Lat 4403 per R3fi4/9fi593. <br />EXCEPT: 0:40 acres to Tax Lot 4404 per 8359/961?4. <br />EXCEPT:: 7.97 ,acres to Tax Lot 4405 per "Filed Deed". <br />ALSD: Beginning at a point which is 6D.D0 feet North and 469.36 feet <br />589°20'E. and 371.D0 feet~N00°D4'W. from the SW corner of the Garrett <br />Bogart DLC No. 71, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette <br />Meridian ~n Lane County, Dregon; thence Nq4°D4'W 53.00 feet; thence N59~20'W <br />329.83 feet to a point on the East 1 i ne of Wi 11 akenzi a Road; thence S0Q°04' E <br />53.00 feet a~ang the East line of said Raad; thence S89°2D'E. 329.53 feet to <br />the paint of beginning. being Tax Lot 4401 cant. m/1 x.40 acres <br />