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~$~~ 17-03-29-3 1702 <br />EXHIBIT A <br />.Beginning at a 5/S inch iron rod an the Southerly ri ht of wa line of <br />~ y <br />Highway ~~~ 05, sai d~~~ poi nt being opposi to and ~ 5O feet from ~ en ~ neers <br />g <br />centerline~statian 28+22.71 P.S.C., said paint according to deed records <br />for said right of way bears North 410.05 feet and West ~~44.41 feet from <br />the Northeast corner of Count Surve #~ ll , from said be i nni n of n <br />y y 9 gp t <br />run thence along said right of way line <br />S72°24' S3"E. 317, 32 feet to a 5/8 i nchl ~ ~ ron rod marki ng a poi nt <br />opposite and 2.10 feet from engineers centerline station 31+00; thence <br />continue along said right .o f way ~ i ne N88°31 ' 53" E. 273..09 feet to <br />a 5/8 inch iron rod marki ng a poi nt opposite and 220 feet from engineers. <br />centerline station 33+37.27 P.C.S.; thence S4S°44'59"E. 57.82 feet to <br />a point opposite and 5O feet from engineers centerline station on <br />relocated County Club-Patterson Road U 75+90; thence SOD°07'13"w. 183.25 <br />feet along the westerly right of way line of said relocated road to <br />a poi nt opposite and 54 feet from en~i neers centerline stab an U 77+73, 25~ <br />P.S. ; thence continuing Southerly along said right o f way 1 i ne along <br />the arc of a spri al curve the chord of which bears SO3°16' 57"E.. <br />248.36 feet tv a point opposite and 5O feet~fram engineers centerline . <br />stab on U 79+73.25 P.S.C. ; continue thence Southeasterly along sai d <br />right of way 1 i ne to a poi nt on the Easterly l~i ne of the E.F. Skinner <br />DLC #64; thence South to the Easterly bank of the wil 1 amette River; thence <br />Northwesterly along said river bank to a paint an the right of way . <br />1 i ne of said Highway T-105 said right of way 1 i ne extending Sl ~°17' w. <br />from the paint of beginning; thence Nl 2°17 `E. 175 feet more ar 1 ess to <br />the point of beginning in Section 29, T17S, Raw of the wil lamette Meridian, <br />i n Lane County Oregon. Excepting therefrom any parcel lying within the <br />right of way of Coburg Road and ~'er~ry Street Bridge. Containing more <br />or less+ <br />Except: 1.56 acres to 1703 by 8$79/83249 i.n 1979. Containing more or 1 ess. <br />Except: 1.43 acres out to new parcel 17D4 for 1979 per 8947/74454. <br />Containing more or 1 ess . <br />