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~S~ao <br />EXHIBIT A <br />~ 79-11 <br />17--04-25-41 T.L. 11 OC <br />All of that portion of block 4. Ri verwood,. as platted and recorded <br />in volumn 9, page 21, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, lying north of <br />.,the fallowing described line.. Beginning at a point on the east right <br />of-way 1,ine of .van Buren Street, said point being 30 feet north of the <br />northwest corner of lot 1 of said block 4: Running thence. east <br />paral 1 el~ to the north ri ght~of-way 1 i ne of ~~i rst ~~venue to intersect <br />the east 1 i ne of. lot 2 of said block 4 on the west right--of--way ~ 1 i ne <br />'of Jackson street, in Lane County, Oregon. ~ . <br />Corta~ ni n ~ 25 S66$2 . <br />~ 9 ~ square feet, mare or less } <br />. June 27, 19b7 <br />~.. <br />