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I8'F8C <br />~' ~~'°~1tF.A5, notice of the proposed assessment to the owners and reputed rn.ners of the hereinafter designated <br />ra~c:is of real property having been heretofore duly and regularly given in compliance with the p ro~~isions of <br />Chapter ~ of the Eugene City Code, and the Common Council having heard any and all protests, objections and <br />reaanstrancea thereto and having Fu11y considered the same. <br />T'lE CITY OF E13C~F:NE DOES ORDRIN A5 FOLLadS <br />Sect ion 1, That the total cost of the sanitary sewer in Gilliam Road from Kidder <br />subdivision south to~existing sanitary sewer <br />bG,881.9l <br />in t',~e City of Eugene, is the sum of $ , aforesaid, whic;~ is by this ardznance assessed <br />afiainst the parcels of property hereinafter descrihed in the amounts set oppnsite, respectively. <br />Section 2, That the Common Council of the City of Eugene, Oregon, does f~erebv determine 2nd assess Baca <br />lot and part of lot being in Eugene, lane County, Qregan, to-wit; <br />