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ORDINANCE N0. ~ 8 y9~ <br />An Ordinance initiating the vacation of the following described <br />easement to-wit: <br />Beginning at a point being South 89°,3l'50" East <br />5.40 feet and South 0°28~' ~,4" West 7.04 feet from <br />the Northwest corner of Lot 17 BLACKSTQNE, as plat <br />ted and recorded in File 73, Slide 155, Lane County <br />oregon Plat Records; thence South 89°31'50` East <br />2.40 feet; thence youth 0°28' 10" west 88.00 feet; <br />thence North 89°31'50" West x.04 feet; thence North <br />4°28' 10" East 88.00 feet to the Point of Beg~,nning, <br />in Lane County , Oregon . ~Hughe s -- Ev 7 9 - 8 ~ <br />THE CITY of EUGENE DOE" ORDAIN AS ~'oLLOWS: <br />Section 1. The City Council of the City of Eu ene herein ini- <br />g <br />tiates the vacation proceedings on its own authority without peti- <br />tion or consent of the property owners, except as prova~ded by statute, <br />of the above described easement. <br />Section 2. A hearing sha~.l be held upon the proposal to vacate <br />the easement as herein provided, and the hearing shall be he~.d on the <br />10th day of October, 1979, at noon, Pacific Daylight Time of said date, <br />at the .Council Chambers at City,l, Eugene, ~regon~ at which time <br />all persons will be heard upon objections or suggestions with regard <br />to the vacation, and at said time the Council wi~,l provide for the <br />vacation of the easement or deny such vacation, and in case the vaca- <br />tion is made, will provide and make provision for ar~y damages sus~- <br />tamed by local assessment. <br />Section~3. The City Recorder is hereby directed to immediately <br />publish once each-week for four consecutive weeks in a newspaper ub- <br />p <br />lished in Eugene, Lane County, Oregon, notice of the proposed vaca- <br />tion. The notice sha~.l give a, descxipti,on of the area to be vacated <br />Ordinance -- I <br />