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ORDINANCE. NO. g~bQ <br />AN ORDINANCE C4NCERNI.NG PERFORMANCE CONTRACTS; <br />AM~NDTNG SECTIONS 9,694 AND 9.722 GF THE EUGENE <br />CODE, 1971; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. <br />THE CITY OF .EUGENE DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: <br />Section 1. Section 9.694 of the Eugene Code, 1971, is hereby <br />amended to read and provide: <br />9.694 Compliance with Conditions of A naval. <br />~:1~ Prior to issuance of any permits, compliance with <br />the conditions imposed by the Site Review Committee under Sec- <br />tions 9.686 to 9.692 and adherence to the plans upon which <br />site review approval was granted shall be guaranteed by a per- <br />formance contract binding upon the applicant and the applicant's <br />successors in interest. The performance contract shall be <br />prepared by the city and executed by the applicant and the <br />city. <br />~~2 ~_ Upon the applicant's violation of or failure to <br />comply with any of the provisions of the performance contract <br />or final appro~red plan, the city may, in its discretion, in- <br />voke the enforcement procedures provided in the contract or <br />under applicable law, or both.. <br />Sectiorl ~. Section 9.722 of the Eugene Code, 1971, is hereby <br />amended to read and provide: <br />9.722 Compliance with: C~n~d~i:ti~ons~ of Ap r.oval. <br />~1~. ~r%or to issuance~of any permits, compliance with <br />the conditions imposed by the Hearings Official under section <br />9.710 and adherence to the plans upon which approval of the <br />Conditional Use Permit was granted shall be guaranteed by a <br />performance contract binding the applicant and the applicant's <br />successors in interest. The performance contract shall be <br />prepared by the city and executed by the applicant and city. <br />~~~ Subsequent to execution of the performance con- <br />tract, the planning director nay permit changes to the approved <br />final plans upon finding that the changes substantially conform <br />to the final approved plans and conditions of approval. Other <br />modifications are subject to review by the hearings official. <br />~ 3 ~_ Upon the applicant's violation of or failure to <br />comply with any of the provisions of the performance contract <br />or final approved, the city may, in its discretion, invoke <br />the enforcement procedures provided in the contract or under <br />applicable law, ar both. <br />Section 3. That the provisions contained herein concern the <br />public welfare and therefore, a~~ emergency is hereby declared to <br />Ordinance - 1 <br />