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18567 <br />idtLnEFRS, nctice of the proposed assessment to the owners and reputed o~;ners of the hereinafter designated <br />i-a~c~~is of real property having been hexetofore duly and regularly given in'cosnpliance with the provisions of <br />Chapter 7 of the Eugene Cfty Code, and the Common Council having heard any and all protests, objections and <br />remonstrances thereto and having fully considered the same. <br />}~ CITY OF EUGENE DOES ORDAIN AS FOLL04dS: <br />Section 1. That the ta:al cast of 5an1 tart' S~Wer t0 S,erVE COaSt X11 ~ S V1 Sta SUbd~ V7 5 i On <br />in the City of Eugene, is the sum of $ aforesaid, which is by this ordinance assessed <br />against the aarcels of property hereinafter described in the amounts set opposite, respectively. <br />Sect:an 2. That the Common Council of the City of Eugene, Oregon, does hereby determine and assess each <br />Iot and part of-lot being in Eugene, Lane County, Oregon, to-wit: <br />