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6. All metropolitan area parks and recreation programs and districts shall cooperate <br />to the greatest possible extent in the acquisition of public and private funds to <br />support their operations. <br /> <br />Chapter V of the PROS Comprehensive Plan describes potential funding sources <br />for the Plan improvements. The Plan identifies both public and private funding <br />sources. The identified public funding sources include: general fund, road fund, <br />stormwater & wastewater fees, and wetlands mitigation bank funds. The <br />identified private funding sources include: local option levy, private grants and <br />foundations, public/private partnerships, and fees and charges. Additionally, the <br />following funding sources were identified for capital expenses: system <br />development charges, donations, local improvement district, general obligation <br />bond, public/government grant programs, Intermodal Surface Transportation <br />Efficiency Act, local government grants, urban forestry grants, Oregon <br />Watershed Enhancement Board, land trusts, Nation Tree Trust, lifetime estates <br />and property exchanges. <br /> <br />Additionally, the PROS Comprehensive Plan contains the following strategies <br />that address this Metro Plan policy: <br /> <br />B-24 Coordinate long range planning of neighborhood parks with Eugene <br />School District 4J and Bethel School District 52, particularly with regard to <br />school consolidations, land disposal, or new school developments as <br />school facilities often function as focal points for neighborhood recreation. <br /> <br />B-33 Work with the River Road Park and Recreation District in long-range <br />planning to continue to meet community park needs in this area. <br /> <br />E-16 Coordinate with other agencies and providers to encourage the <br />development of a regional trail system linking Eugene/Springfield with <br />Fern Ridge Reservoir, the coast, the Cascades, and the Willamette and <br />McKenzie Rivers. Provide bicycle and pedestrian access through <br />agricultural areas in the Willow Creek, Bethel/Danebo, and Santa Clara <br />planning areas of Eugene. <br /> <br />H-14 Improve partnerships with River Road Parks and Recreation District, <br />School Districts 4J and 52, Lane Transit District, EWEB, Willamalane <br />Parks and Recreation District, Lane County Parks and other public <br />agencies to improve service and maximize efficiency. <br /> <br />Exhibit A to Resolution No. 4858 10 of 10 <br /> <br />