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Item 4: Resolution on Systems Development Charges
City of Eugene
Council Agendas 2009
CC Agenda - 05/26/09 Meeting
Item 4: Resolution on Systems Development Charges
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6/9/2010 12:46:49 PM
Creation date
5/22/2009 11:33:03 AM
City Council
Agenda Item Summary
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<br />provisions. The City of Eugene has implemented an administrative fee to account for SDC <br />administrative revenues and expenditures separate from SDC capital project expenditures. <br /> <br />Administrative costs funded through the administrative fee include: <br />? <br /> <br />Costs of developing and modifying SDC methodologies through a system of periodic review and <br />regular update to ensure accurate cost recovery. This work helps ensure compliance with the <br />council’s Growth Management Policy and adequate funding for planned capital projects. <br />? <br /> <br />Determining the amount and administering use of required credits and exemptions, including <br />public improvement credit, credits for prior payment and existing uses, and exemptions for <br />qualified affordable housing projects. <br />? <br /> <br />Determination of the amount of SDCs associated with proposed development and administration <br />of SDCs associated with building permits. <br />? <br /> <br />Accounting and fund management for SDC revenues and expenditures as required by law. <br /> <br />Over the last several years, SDC administrative expenditures have out-paced revenues. This is primarily <br />due to reduced revenues resulting from declining development activities. While administrative costs <br />have also been reduced during this period, a severe imbalance in the SDC administrative fund has <br />resulted. The fund’s six-year forecast projects ongoing deficits in future years without additional <br />decreases in costs and increased revenues over the forecast period. A rate of 9% is proposed as the <br />minimum rate, when combined with cost reductions, adequate to continue provision of basic SDC <br />administrative services. This rate is consistent with existing administrative fee rates charged locally for <br />building permit administration. <br /> <br />The effect of the proposed rate increase of 4% translates to adding approximately $280 in total City of <br />Eugene SDCs for a typical new single-family residence, from a current total of $7,325 to a proposed <br />total of $7,604. Other development types would experience similar proportionate increases in total <br />SDCs of approximately 4%. The minimum administrative fee is proposed to be adjusted to more <br />accurately capture a fixed level of costs associated with building permits that are charged a relatively <br />small net SDC; typically these permits involve the calculation and administration of SDC credits. No <br />change in the maximum administrative fee of $30,000 is proposed at this time. <br /> <br /> <br />Council Goals/Action Priorities <br />This agenda item relates to one of the council’s current goals, the Transportation Initiative, in that <br />transportation SDC revenues help fund a portion of the transportation system capital needs, including <br />preservation and rehabilitation of the existing system. The SDC administrative fee helps fund the <br />development, collection and administration of transportation as well as other SDCs. <br /> <br />Timing <br />Local SDC rates were last updated in April 2008, reflecting costs and rate factors current through <br />December 2007. Recognizing the current difficult economic conditions, annual inflationary adjustments <br />to SDCs which would normally have become effective in April 2009, have been postponed through the <br />remainder of the calendar year. The proposed SDC administrative fee increase was also temporarily <br />postponed; originally scheduled, if approved by the council, to become effective May 11, the increase is <br />now proposed to become effective July 1, 2009. While these delays in fee increases will have an effect <br />on SDC funding available to cover the costs of administering SDCs and on planned capital projects, <br />staff wishes to mitigate potential impacts of fee increases on the local economy and have delayed <br />Z:\CMO\2009 Council Agendas\M090526\S0905264.doc <br />
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