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<br />EXHIBIT B <br /> <br />FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS <br /> <br />SUBJECT: PROPOSED FINAL ASSESSMENT FOR IMPROVEMENTS CONSISTING OF <br />ALLEY PAVING LOCATED IN THE WEST UNIVERSITY NEIGHBORHOOD <br />GENERALLY BOUNDED BY WILLAMETTE STREET, 19TH AVENUE, KINCAID <br />STREET, AND FRANKLIN BOULEVARD (CONTRACT 2005-30, 2005-29, AND <br />2005-28) (JOB #4172, 4310 AND 4309) <br /> <br />BACKGROUND <br /> <br />The West University Neighborhood area, generally bounded by Willamette Street, 19th Avenue, Kincaid <br />Street, and Franklin Boulevard, is adjacent to downtown and is the City's most densely populated <br />neighborhood. The alleys of the West University Area are an important element in the character <br />of the area. Some businesses in effect front on the alleys, and numerous residences of both single <br />and multi-family character use the alleys as the primary means of access. <br /> <br />Due to an increase in criminal activity and nuisance behaviors in the last few years, the riot of <br />2002, and concerns about the decline in appearance of the area, former Eugene Mayor Jim Torrey <br />and University of Oregon President Dave Frohnmayer formed the West University Neighborhood <br />(WUN) Task Force to develop immediate and long-term solutions to the safety and livability <br />issues facing the area. The task force was comprised of neighborhood stakeholders, such as <br />residents, local business owners, and non-profit organizations. Representatives from the Eugene <br />City Council, Planning Commission, Police Commission, and the Associated Students of the <br />University of Oregon were also included, as was staff from the City and University. The <br />meetings were open to the public and run in an informal manner to invite broad participation by <br />other interested members of the public. <br /> <br />One outcome of the West University Neighborhood Task Force was an evaluation of needed <br />improvements to reverse negative trends in the area. The Task Force identified the unimproved <br />or deteriorated condition of some of the area's alleys as a part of the problem. One of the high <br />priority recommendations of the Task Force Report was improvements to those alleys in the <br />neighborhood that were deteriorated below standards. <br /> <br />The Eugene City Council received the Task Force Report and held several work sessions on the <br />recommendations. One of the outcomes was a series of actions regarding alley improvements. <br />The City Council held a work session on November 24, 2003 to review a report from the City <br />Engineer covering feasibility and estimated cost to improve the unimproved alleys, funding <br />sources, possible assessments, assessment code issues, design standards, timing and a proposed <br />implementation plan. City Council directed staff to proceed with the implementation plan to <br />improve the unimproved alleys, and to pursue other potential additional funding sources to <br />replace Community Development Block Grant monies for the non-assessable costs,of <br />improvements. <br /> <br />LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT ASSESSMENTS FOR ALLEY IMPROVEMENTS IN THE WEST <br />UNIVERSITY NEIGHBORHOOD Page 1 <br />