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Item 5: Ordinance Levying Assessments for West University Alleys
City of Eugene
Council Agendas 2006
CC Agenda - 02/13/06 Mtg
Item 5: Ordinance Levying Assessments for West University Alleys
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2/10/2006 9:17:05 AM
City Council
Agenda Item Summary
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<br />Exhibit A <br /> <br />MINUTES <br />Local Improvement District Assessments <br />Proposed Final Assessment for Improvements Consisting of Alley Paving Located in the <br />West University Neighborhood Generally Bounded By Willamette Street, 19th Avenue, <br />Kincaid Street, and Franklin Boulevard (Contract 2005-30, 2005-29, and 2005-28) (Job <br />#4172, 4310 and 4309) <br /> <br />January 30, 2006 Public Hearing <br /> <br />Hearings Official Milo Mecham convened the hearing at 6:00 p.m. He described <br />the subject matter of the hearing and procedures to be followed at the hearing. Present at <br />the hearing representing the City of Eugene was City Engineer Mark Schoening, <br />Principal Engineer Paul Klope and Project Engineer Steve Gallup. <br /> <br />Principal Engineer Paul Klope began the City's presentation by briefly describing <br />the project's history. Mr. Klope explained that the project was initiated by the Eugene <br />City Council in January, 2004, in response to the recommendations of the West <br />University Neighborhood Task Force. The Task Force's report on improvements needed <br />in the neighborhood to address social and criminal problems in the area had <br />recommended alley improvements as the second most important action needed in a list of <br />ten priorities. <br /> <br />Mr. Klope explained that, after the Task Force had made its recommendations, the <br />Council reviewed alley design standards and the assessment process for alley <br />improvements. While the basic process was largely unchanged, the Council had made <br />some small changes to the Code language, designed to clarify that all costs associated <br />with the alley improvements would be assessed to the adjacent property owners. <br /> <br />Mr. Klope described the improvement process up to this time. After the project <br />design work had been done and bids on the project received, a public hearing on the <br />proposed formation of a local improvement district was held on April 20, 2005. After <br />the Council approved the formation of the district, work was begun. Work has now been <br />completed, and final costs calculated. Mr. Klope explained that the total final costs of the <br />project was $1,852,322. Of that amount, the total assessable cost is $1,788,602. The <br />non-assessable costs to be borne by the City, $63,720, were to pay for street work and <br />repairs to existing driveways adjacent to the project, and the non-assessable evaluation <br />and repairs to the City storm drain and wastewater systems needed during construction. <br /> <br />Mr. Klope acknowledged that the actual costs for the project were higher than the <br />estimated costs that had been announced at the formation of the district. The increase, <br />approximately $178,000 came from over-excavation needed to stabilize some of the base <br />prior to paving, extra tree preservation work, unexpected underground utility conflicts <br />and additional analysis and repair work needed for existing improvements, and higher <br />staff costs than expected. <br /> <br />Alley Assessment Minutes <br /> <br />Page 1 <br />
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