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Item 5: Ordinance Levying Assessments for West University Alleys
City of Eugene
Council Agendas 2006
CC Agenda - 02/13/06 Mtg
Item 5: Ordinance Levying Assessments for West University Alleys
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2/10/2006 9:17:05 AM
City Council
Agenda Item Summary
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<br />G The Council has reviewed and considered the assessment report ofthe City Engineer <br />and Finance Officer and the hearings official's findings and summary, and based thereon, <br /> <br />THE CITY OF EUGENE DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: <br /> <br />Section 1. The hearings official's summary is hereby made a part ofthe Council's record in <br />these proceedings, and the hearings official's findings, including those regarding compliance with <br />E.C. 7.160 to 7.190, attached hereto as Exhibit B and incorporated herein by reference, are hereby <br />adopted. <br /> <br />Section 2. The actual assessable cost of the local improvements consisting of alley paving <br />located in the West University Neighborhood generally bounded by Willamette Street, 19th Avenue, <br />Kincaid Street is $1,752,827.44 which is hereby assessed against the parcels of property hereinafter <br />described in the amounts set opposite, respectively. <br /> <br />Section 3. The City Council does hereby determine and assess each lot and part oflot within <br />the described local improvement district as set forth on the assessment roll attached as Exhibit C <br />hereto and incorporated herein by reference, which includes those properties whose owners qualified <br />for the Street Subsidy Program. <br /> <br />Section 4. The City Council does hereby determine that each parcel of land or lot herein <br />above described is specially benefitted to the extent ofthe assessment set forth. The Finance Officer <br />shall give notice of the assessments to the owners of the assessed parcels advising them the <br />assessment may be paid in full, without interest, within ten days of the effective date of this <br />ordinance. Assessments that remain unpaid after the ten day period are declared to be liens upon the <br />respective lots, parts oflots or parcels ofland against which said several amounts are assessed, and <br />may be paid, with interest on the unpaid principal amount commencing ten days after the effective <br />date of this ordinance: <br />4.1 In up to twenty semi-annual installments, including principal and interest at <br />the rate set by the City Manager as provided in E.C. 2.022 through 2.024. <br />4.2 If the property owner so elects, in 120 monthly installments, including <br />principal and interest at the rate set by the City Manager as provided in E.C. 2.022 through <br />2.024 plus a service charge determined by the City Manager as provided in E.C. 2.020. <br /> <br />Section 5. The City Recorder is directed to enter in the docket of City Liens a statement in <br />connection with each unpaid assessment containing the following: <br />5.1 A description of each lot, part of lot or acreage specially benefitted by the <br />local improvements; <br />5.2 The name of the owner or reputed owner thereof, or that the name of the <br />owner is unknown; and <br />5.3 The sum assessed upon said property, the amount and date from which interest <br />accrues, and the date of entering the same in the docket of City Liens. <br /> <br />Ordinance - 2 <br />Q:\PROJECTS\PROJ-2\4172\Assess\ORDlNANCE FOR COUNCIL.doc <br />
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