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4.872 Downtown Activity Zone - Prohibited Acts. <br /> (1) Except when approved as part of an authorized activity, the following <br /> acts are prohibited in the public pedestrian areas within the downtown <br /> activity zone: <br /> (a) Interfering with an authorized activity. <br /> (b) Impeding access to any public pedestrian area or to any public or <br /> private building adjacent to the public pedestrian area. <br /> (c) Engaging in a commercial pursuit, except for personal solicitation <br /> and street entertainment. <br /> (d) Placing a display. <br /> <br /> ([qe) Placing a newspaper dispenser: <br /> 1. Within ten feet of ~ street corner; <br /> 2. Within one foot of ~ street curD; <br /> Within one foot of, or connected or ~ffJxed Dy ~ny me~ns to, <br /> ~ sidewalk fixture, suc~ ~s ~ light pole, Dicycle rock, pl~ter, <br /> bench or art work; <br /> 4. Except with the permission of the person Jn charge of the <br /> Duildi~g, Detwee~ t~e central traveled portio~ of t~e ~dj~ce~t <br /> sidewalk ~d ~y window ~Dutti~g ~ puDlic pedestri~ ~re~; <br /> or <br /> 5. Withi~ the central traveled portio~ of the sidewalk or i~ ~y <br /> other Ioc~tio~ likely to impede pedestri~ traffic. <br /> ([~]~SettJ~g up or operating ~ puDIJc ~ddress system or ot~er ~mplJfJed <br /> sound equipment. <br /> (2) I~ additio~ to the acts prohiDited i~ suDsectio~ (1) of this section, except <br /> w~e~ ~pproved ~s p~rt of ~ ~ut~orized ~ctivity, t~e following ~cts ~re <br /> pro~JDJted J~ t~e puDIJc pedestrJ~ ~re~s J~ t~e dow~tow~ core: <br /> ClJmDJng ~ny tree. <br /> Except for st~J~ys, clJmDJng ~ny structure that Js more th~n six <br /> feet in height on any side. <br /> (c) ClJmDJ~g ~y structure J~ suc~ ~ m~er ~s to create ~ d~ger of <br /> personal i~jury or property damage. <br /> (d) Leaving ~ dog or ot~er ~im~l u~tte~ded, w~et~er leashed or <br /> unleashed. <br /> (e)Cre~tJng or continuing ~ noise dJsturD~nce. <br /> (f) E~teri~g i~to ~ I~dsc~ped pl~ti~g ~re~ or ~cti~g i~ ~ m~er <br /> ~rmful to ~y pl~t life, J~cludJ~g w~lkJ~g, lying or sitting J~ ~ <br /> I~dsc~ped pl~ti~g ~re~. A "l~dsc~ped pl~ti~g ~re~" is ~y <br /> puDlic ~re~ set ~side for pl~ti~g of trees, shruDs, flowers or other <br /> vegetation, except grass. <br /> (g) Setting up ~y temporary structures or e~closures, i~cludi~g Dut <br /> ~ot limited to c~opies, te~ts or t~Dles, or res~ri~ffn~ a~ess ~o <br /> any potion of ~he public pedestrian area so ~ha~ o~her <br /> persons may no~ freely enter such area. <br /> (~) Picking or cutting flowers or ot~er veget~tio~ from I~dsc~ped <br /> pl~tJ~g ~re~s. <br /> (i) Allowing ~ child who is i~ o~e's charge ~d is u~der 12 years old <br /> to violate ~y provJsJo~ of t~Js sectJo~ or of sectJo~ ~.~44. <br /> <br />Ordinance - ? <br />L:\CMO\2004 Council Agendas\M040524\S0405244-attA.doc(03/16/04) <br /> <br /> <br />