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I8'655 <br />a. Damage caused by the acts o~ unauthorized <br />third parties, i~.cluding ~randal.~sm, negligence, <br />improper maintenance, or improper operation by <br />anyone other than the developer or his employees, <br />agents or subcontractors; <br />b. Acts of Gods and accidents, including but <br />not limited to fire, explosion, smoke, water escape, <br />windstorm, hail, lightning, flood, and earthquake; <br />c. ~~'ormal wear and tear and normal deteriara~-~ <br />ton; and, <br />d. Ordinary maintenance and repairs. <br />4. DeyelQp__er'_s Warran,t~,,,,,,obli~at~.ons. ~"ollowing timely <br />notification by the unit owners associati~vn, or if control of <br />the building has not been transferred to such association, by <br />three ~.~~ unit owners yr 30~ of the non--developer unit owners, <br />whichever is smaller, .unit owners groups the developer shall <br />promptly make any required repairs or replacements of any <br />item warranted. If the developer fails to comply with the <br />warranty, the unit owners association or group may ratify the <br />developer in writing of its intention to correct the condi- <br />tion at the developer's expense. If the developer fails to <br />comply within 1~ days after being notified by the unit owners <br />association or group or as promptly as conditions require in <br />case o~ emergency, the unit owners association or group may <br />have the work done and shall have recourse to the escrow, <br />security, or bond provided above. Tn order to cause the <br />warranty tv be honored, the unit owners association shall <br />give timely notice of any defect or f al lure of operation to <br />the developer or his successor and shall first seek to en~- <br />f orce any applicable manuf acturer'~ s warranty. <br />5. Arbitration. Any disputes over any such warranties <br />shall be settled by binding arbitration to be conducted and <br />governed by the provisions of OAS 33.10 et seg. <br />~b~ Cash Reserve Escrow Account. A cash reserve account <br />shall be established and funded by the developer for the benefit <br />of the unit owners association. Such reserve account shall be for <br />replacement reserves, and shall be non-r-efundable to the developer. <br />The reserve account shall be funded by cash or by an assignment by <br />the developer of all sales proceeds from the sale of condominium <br />units or cooperative shares up to the amount required to be funded. <br />The developer shall be entitled to any accrued interest on the re- <br />serve account at the expiration of the warranty period. The unit <br />owners association shall not be entitled to draw upon such reserve <br />account until tie expiration of the warranty period. <br />Ordinance - lg <br />