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186'19 <br />cif is findings f roan among the following factors <br />1. Compatibility with the surroundings, particu- <br />larly when residential in character. <br />2.. Efficient, workable and safe interrelation- <br />. ships among building, parking, circulations open space, <br />and landscaped areas as well as related activities and <br />uses. <br />3. Due consideration to the preservation of <br />attracti~re and distinctive histarical~or natural fea- <br />tures. <br />4. Structures designed, sized, and shaped in <br />scale and harmony with intended uses and resulting in <br />a pleasant envia~onment for luring, workings or shopping, <br />as the case may be. <br />5. Signs and ill~ur~ination in scale and harmony <br />with the site and area. <br />6. Adequate provision for flood control and storm <br />drainage. <br />7. Safe and efficient ingress, egress, and on--site <br />traffis circulation. <br />9.694 ;Applications for Site Plan Approval. Prior to submission <br />of a request for site plan approval, the applicant shall <br />confer with the planning department to ascertain application re- <br />quire~nents. <br />Applications for site plan approval shall be on a form re- <br />scribed b he. la ~ p <br />y t p nning department and submitted zn that office <br />along with a fee as prescribed in section 9.850 of this code, <br />and five copies of drawings at a scale of not less than one inch <br />to 20 feet showing parcel boundaries and dimensions. 1n addi- <br />tion, the planning department may require site and building <br />plans showing locations, elevations, open space, landscaping, <br />circulation facilities, and other information as may be neces- <br />sary to enable the site re~riew~ committee to fulfill its respon- <br />sibilities in accordance with the purpose for site review and <br />specified concerns Qf the planning commission as provided in <br />section 9.688. <br />9.692 Site Re~riew Comt~tittee and Procedures. <br />~:.1 }. ~ Me~nb~e~~s~h~i and duties , ~ he s ~, to review committee <br />shall consist of one member each front the pl~.nning, public <br />works, and parks and recreation departments to be appointed by <br />the respecti~re city department heads. Following the guidelines <br />contained a.n section 9.688, the committee shall prepare a recom- <br />mendation to approves conditionally approve, or deny applica- <br />tions and proposed site plans. The written. recommendation of <br />the committee shall be presented to the planning director for a <br />decision. <br />Ordinance - 3 <br />