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Item C: Systems Development Charges
City of Eugene
Council Agendas 2009
CC Agenda - 07/13/09 Work Session
Item C: Systems Development Charges
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6/10/2010 10:25:32 AM
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7/9/2009 4:53:09 PM
City Council
Agenda Item Summary
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<br /> <br />Examples of the types of projects funded in part by SDCs include the following: pavement preservation <br />on arterial and collector streets; traffic signals and other intersection improvements; off-street bicycle <br />paths; parks land acquisition and development; wastewater facilities rehabilitation; and, stormwater <br />facilities construction. <br /> <br />In recent years, SDC revenues and expenditures have averaged approximately $6.3 million per year. <br />The amount of SDC revenue varies considerably from year to year, depending on the volume and nature <br />of development, which are tied to local economic conditions. Expenditures also vary in relation to the <br />types and SDC-eligible costs of capital projects funded as well as the amount of available funding. A <br />significant decline in SDC revenue has occurred during the most recent fiscal year; for FY09, total <br />revenues are estimated at approximately $2.9 million. This reduction in revenue has resulted in the <br />delay of a number of planned capital projects. <br /> <br />Financial Implications for Development Projects <br />SDCs are one-time charges, often of a sizeable dollar amount, and can represent a significant percentage <br />of a development project’s total cost, ranging from a few percent to 20 percent or more. The amount of <br />SDCs for a development is variable, depending on several factors including size and type of <br />development and available SDC exemptions or credits. SDCs are proportionate to a development’s <br />claim on system capacity and thus vary by development type and size. For example, a restaurant may <br />have a relatively large impact on wastewater system capacity as compared to an office building of the <br />same size. Attachment A provides a comparison of SDCs to project construction value for several <br />example development types, prior to any credits. <br /> <br />SDCs are paid, or an agreement to pay is executed, at the time of issuance of a building permit as <br />provided in Eugene Code section 7.720. City financing of SDCs allows for semi-annual payments over <br />a 10-year period, with the first payment due approximately six months after permit issuance. Contracted <br />payments are typically secured by a lien on the property being developed, with other forms of security <br />allowable. <br /> <br />SDC credits and exemptions provide some potential incentives for low-income housing, mixed-use, <br />infill and redevelopment as well as development in the downtown core. In 1997, the council adopted an <br />exemption of local SDCs to qualified projects providing housing to low-income persons. This <br />exemption has provided approximately $815,000 in assistance to housing projects over the past 12 years. <br />SDC credits account for reduced impacts of certain development projects as well as credits for <br />improvements built by a developer that would otherwise have been funded by the City with SDC <br />revenues. For redevelopment of existing sites, SDC credits are provided for prior uses at the site, <br />reducing and sometimes eliminating SDCs for a project. Additionally, development in nodal or mixed- <br />use development centers receives a 10 percent reduction in the street-related transportation SDC. For <br />development in the downtown, redevelopment involving intensification of use of pre-existing spaces is <br />not charged a transportation SDC. <br /> <br />Current Measures to Provide Relief for Development <br />The City Council and City Manager have implemented several measures to provide a degree of relief <br />from SDC increases during the current economic situation. Recently, the council chose to ease the <br />impact of a proposed July 1, 2009, administrative rate increase by postponing the effective date to <br />January 1, 2010. Normally, SDC rates are adjusted annually, typically in April, to reflect the prior <br />year’s changes in indexed infrastructure costs. Earlier this year, the City Manager directed that the <br />Z:\CMO\2009 Council Agendas\M090713\S090713C.doc <br /> <br />
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