<br />At the Downtown Library, see the 1970’s Superman, on Monday, February 13; the 1980’s Better Off
<br />Dead, on Tuesday, February 14; and the 2000’s Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, on Thursday,
<br />February 16. At the Bethel Branch on Wednesday, February 15, see the 1990’s 10 Things I Hate About
<br />You. All films start at 4 p.m. Admission is free and so's the popcorn! For more information, contact
<br />Eugene Public Library at 682-8316.
<br />
<br />New Software Helps Public Works Manage Emergency Events
<br />During wind storms, flooding, snow and ice storms, freezing rain or
<br />other emergency events, the Public Works Roosevelt facility has an
<br />Emergency Command Center (ECC), which is back up for the City’s
<br />Emergency Operations Center (EOC). The ECC can be activated to
<br />respond to emergency calls for service. If the ECC is activated, the
<br />Public Works Roosevelt facility has the capacity to activate as many as
<br />14 work stations for emergency call-taking. During an emergency
<br />event, the ECC routes all event-related activity into one location,
<br />allowing a coordinated response via radio, telephone and computer that
<br />help save lives and protect property.
<br />
<br />In years past, calls for service were taken through a conventional phone
<br />system and routed to the ECC for response or dispatch of crews to the
<br />location. During the wind storm of 2003, it became apparent that Public
<br />Works needed a better system to capture and prioritize calls for service
<br />during times of heavy call volume, and to dispatch crews to multiple
<br />locations where people are in need of assistance. In response to that
<br />need, the City developed an advanced ECC computer program targeted at emergency response, but
<br />also appropriate for day-to-day use. The newly developed software program is still in the test phase, but
<br />so far has performed remarkably well in the smaller-scale on which events it has been tested.
<br />
<br />The new ECC software program allows call takers to enter caller data quickly and to identify problems by
<br />working in real time, immediately notifying the Incident Commander of newly received calls. The system
<br />uses visual queues to indicate where crews and equipment are currently located and prioritizes calls for
<br />service, assisting the supervisor with crew dispatch as new calls arrive. The software displays the
<br />location and the problem on the computer in the ECC, allowing paperless processing of calls for service.
<br />
<br />When the data has been entered, the program ties in with the City’s GIS system to pinpoint the location
<br />and attach a map to the service request. The system sends a notification to the supervisor or Incident
<br />Commander that a call for service has been received. That notification contains all the necessary
<br />information for both the supervisor and the crews, including the nature of the problem, contact
<br />information and an easily readable map showing where the crew needs to go. The ECC software system
<br />also includes a valuable financial tracking tool that captures personnel hours and equipment use if a
<br />state of emergency is declared and FEMA or other financial reimbursement is available.
<br />
<br />The ECC software system was used in the January 2006 rainstorm, and it continues to be used on a
<br />daily basis so that when emergency events hit, staff is familiar with the software and can enter
<br />information easily and get help on location quickly. For more information, contact Public Works
<br />Maintenance Director Jeff Lankston at 682-4813.
<br />
<br />Friends of the Library Magazine Sale and Book Sale Dates
<br />
<br />The Friends of Eugene Public Library's Magazine Sale is a favorite rainy daypleasure. On Sunday,
<br />February 19, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. at the Downtown Library choose from thousands of gently-read, recent
<br />issues of popular magazines for all ages—most just 25¢ each. The selection includes magazines on
<br />cooking, gardening, travel, nature, news, science, home decor, finance, fashion, crafts, and much more.
<br />Vintage magazines and posters are individually priced. All proceeds go to support Eugene Public Library
<br />programs and materials.
<br />
<br />Save the date: the weekend of April 8 and 9 is the Friends' 28th Annual Book Sale in a new, twice-the-
<br />size location at Lane County Fairgrounds. The Book Sale offers some 60,000 gently and never-used
<br />books for all interests, most for only $1. More than 300 volunteers work on the sale, which took in
<br />
<br />March 3, 2006
<br />