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only question at this time is whether the council is willing to initiate the Metro Plan amendment. This <br />action in no way requires the council to approve the amendment when the amendment comes back to the <br />council after public hearings and planning commission recommendations. <br /> <br />Council Goal Action Priority <br />This project can be related to a number of council goals, including sustainable community development, <br />healthy natural and built environment, and providing accessible and thriving cultural and recreational <br />opportunities. <br /> <br />Financial and/or Resource Considerations <br />Financial resources for the Santa Clara Community Park and related land use processes are addressed by <br />the 1998 Parks and Open Space bond measure for park land acquisition and Parks System Development <br />Charge (SDC) funding for park land development. <br /> <br />Other Background Information <br />Due to the complex nature of this acquisition proposal, a thorough analysis of the public costs and <br />benefits of the project was conducted. This work was completed over the summer of 2003, and a <br />copy of the report (A Community Park for Santa Clara: A Report to the City of Eugene Parks and <br />Open Space Division from the Santa Clara Community Park Advisory Committee) was provided to <br />councilors on January 26, 2004. (The report is available online at: <br />www. ci. eugene, <br /> <br />Through the community engagement process, the staff and consultant team convened a Santa Clara <br />Community Park advisory committee. This committee, along with a technical advisory group, was <br />assigned to help articulate community values and concerns regarding the proposal. The committee met <br />three times in July and August 2003. Issues raised by the committee and results of a committee <br />prioritization process were presented to the council at the November 2003 City Council Meeting. <br />The following four recommendations were promoted by the consultant team following the committee's <br />discussions: <br />1. Consider the Land Swap proposal in the context of parallel visioning studies such as Region <br /> 2050 and Rivers to Ridges. If, on the fifty-year horizon, it is likely that one or both of these sites <br /> will be added to the UGB, it becomes more apparent that acting now to acquire needed park land <br /> on one or both of these sites is prudent and cost-effective. <br />2. Consider negotiating agreements for easements or purchase of all or some portion of the Laurel <br /> Hill Valley site for extension of the Ridgeline trail. Several Rivers to Ridges projects taken <br /> together would form a continuous open space network along the ridgeline to the east and south of <br /> Eugene and the Laurel Hill site is an important potential link in that network. <br />3. Consider the new community park as an integral, convenient, accessible element of community <br /> development. Parks that return the most benefit and value to their communities tend to be those <br /> situated close at hand and organized for safe, convenient access by the people who might use <br /> them the most. In order to achieve that, parks ought to be centrally located, integrated with <br /> adjacent compatible land uses and well connected to nearby areas through local street, bicycle <br /> and pedestrian networks. <br />4. Bring the public into a process that develops the land use and park plan for the Santa Clara site <br /> and a future for the Laurel Hill Valley site. The three conceptual land use plans developed for <br /> the SCCP Advisory Committee can be used to initiate discussion of the possible development <br /> patterns to meet City goals. <br /> <br />The City's Parks and Open Space Division has negotiated two agreements with the property owners <br />related to this proposal, copies of which are included as attachments A and B. The first agreement <br /> <br /> L:\CMO\2004 Council Agendas\M040614\S0406142E.doc <br /> <br /> <br />