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WET WEATHER R.OW MANAGEMENT PLAN <br /> <br />TABLE 3-2 <br />Pros and Cons of the Altematlves <br /> <br /> Alternative Solution <br /> Elements Pros Cons $-2 S-4 S-5 S.6 <br /> <br />Pipeline Rehabilitation Currently, Inflow defects ara Identified through Smoke <br /> testing on pflvate property: Property owners are <br /> notified and the defec~corrected on a volunteer basis. <br /> However, dlract connections, such as roof drains, are <br /> requlrad to be corrected. <br /> <br />Public Only · Malntains current program · Less I/I reduction than with a · · <br /> publlc/private program <br /> · Successful I/I reduction has been achleved <br /> · Less confidence that long-term raduction <br /> · 'Lower lateral" to'property line already will be achieved versus a public/private <br /> Included in current projects program <br /> <br />Public and Private · Mora I/1 reduction.than Wlth publlc only · Requlras new program and associated · <br />Systems program--hlgher confidence for achieving admlnlstratlon <br /> raductlon targets long term - Increased publlc involvement <br /> - Regulation <br /> · Based on the altamatives analyzed, the - Payment options need to be <br /> least-cost solution Includes I/I reduction <br /> using public and private system rehabilitation developed <br /> - Enforcement program <br /> - Inspection <br /> <br /> · Inspection of private laterals, roof drains, <br /> and foundation drains (continued field <br /> verlflcation program to Identify problem <br /> areas) <br /> <br /> Notice of defects and requlrad corrections <br /> (matlers to affected property owners <br /> Identifying the problem and the requtrad <br /> action) <br /> <br /> USR/003672330.DOC <br /> <br /> <br />