Summary of Changes to the FY05 Executive Bud_clet Recommendation
<br />City of Eugene
<br /> FY05 < ............... Budget Committ e Acti ns ............... > FY05
<br /> Proposed Misc. Reserve for Capital Budget Comm. Council ADOPTED
<br /> Fund / Department Budget Actions Encumbrances Car~over Recommend. Action BUDGET
<br />
<br />A. G neral Fund
<br /> Central Services 20,355,418 20,355,418 20,355,418
<br /> Fire and Emergency Medical Services 17,699,785 17,699,785 17,699,785
<br /> Library, Recreation & Cultural Services 16,361,174 50,000 1. 16,411,174 16,411,174
<br /> Planning and Development 5,784,971 18,000 2. 5,802,971 5,802,971
<br /> Police 32,147,513 11,400 3. 32,158,913 32,158,913
<br /> Public Works 5,430,022 123,300 4. 5,553,322 5,553,322
<br /> Debt Service 281,775 281,775 281,775
<br /> Interfund Loans 62,500 62,500 62,500
<br /> Interfund Transfers 2,733,483 2,733,483 2,733,483
<br /> Intergovernmental Expenditures 378,000 378,000 378,000
<br /> Contingency 340,000 340,000 340,000
<br /> Reserve 9,334,387 (133,700) 5. 1,353,739 10,554,426 10,554,426
<br /> Unappropriated Ending Fund Balance 15,810,330 15,810,330 15,810,330
<br /> Total 126,719,358 69,000 1,353,739 - 128,142,097 128,142,097
<br />
<br /> 1. One-time FY05 support of $50,000 to Stand for Children using resources from the Reserve for Revenue Shortfall.
<br /> 2. Increase the Neighborhood newsletter budget by $18,000 to its FY03 level of funding using resources from the Reserve for Revenue Shortfall.
<br /> 3. Radar trailer transport and setup ($11,400) using resources from the Reserve for Revenue Shortfall. Use senior volunteers to assist the program.
<br /> 4. One-time FY05 expense to Lane Regional Air Pollution Authority using resources from the Reserve for Revenue Shortfall.
<br /> 5. The Reserve for Revenue Shortfall is decreased by $202,700 to offset department operating expenditure increases detailed above and increased
<br /> by $69,000 for the transfer from the Airport Fund for the Central Services Allocation associated with restoring Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting
<br /> expenditure authority in Fire and Emergency Medical Services and eliminating its expenditure authority in Public Works.
<br />
<br />B. Special Assessment Manaqement Fund
<br /> Central Services 222,699 222,699 222,699
<br /> Debt Service 40,000 40,000 40,000
<br /> Interfund Transfers 126,000 126,000 126,000
<br /> Misc. Fiscal Transactions 80,000 80,000 80,000
<br /> Reserve 50,000 67,960 117,960 117,960
<br /> Balance Available 1,082,140 1,082,140 1,082,140
<br /> Total 1,600,839 67,960 1,668,799 1,668,799
<br />
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