The advantages of whitetopping treatment are increased rut resistance and pavement life compared to traditional
<br />asphalt paving. Due to the high volume of truck traffic at this intersection, and the condition of the existing asphalt
<br />pavement, this was an ideal location to test the whitetopping treatment. For more information about this technique,
<br />contact Pavement Preservation Program Manager Matt Rodrigues at 682-6036.
<br />
<br />City’s Bicycle-Pedestrian Coordinator Appointed to State Advisory Committee
<br />City of Eugene Bicycle and Pedestrian Coordinator Lee Shoemaker was appointed to the Oregon Bicycle and
<br />Pedestrian Advisory Committee (OBPAC) by Governor Kulongoski. OBPAC is an eight-member committee
<br />appointed by the governor, and acts as a liaison between the public and the Oregon
<br />Department of Transportation (ODOT) and the Oregon Transportation Commission.
<br />Committee meetings are held in various locations around the state to listen to the views and
<br />concerns of interested citizens, local officials and ODOT region staff. Shoemaker was
<br />selected as the local government representative on the committee and will serve a four-year
<br />term through August 2013.
<br />
<br />OBPAC members advise ODOT and the Oregon Transportation Commission in the regulation
<br />of bicycle and pedestrian traffic, the establishment of bikeways and walkways,
<br />recommendations for pedestrian and biking policies and best practices to improve walking and
<br />biking in Oregon. The committee makes recommendations to the Oregon Transportation
<br />Commission on which projects should receive Oregon Bicycle and Pedestrian grant funds for walking and biking
<br />th
<br />improvements. Recent Eugene projects constructed with these funds include Bailey Hill Road (18 to Warren),
<br />th
<br />18 Avenue (Agate to Alder), and 10 pedestrian crossing improvements on several streets in Eugene. For more
<br />information, contact Lee Shoemaker at 682-5471.
<br />
<br />Community Forums on Ambulance Funding Scheduled
<br />At the direction of the Ambulance Transport System Joint Elected Officials Task Force, and in partnership with
<br />Springfield Fire & Life Safety and Lane Rural Fire/Rescue, the Eugene Fire & EMS Department has scheduled a
<br />series of community forums for late September (and October 1) to gather public input regarding options for
<br />stabilizing funding of ambulance transport service in the region. The task force is studying this issue because
<br />Medicare reimbursement reductions and other economic factors have left ambulance providers – here and across
<br />the U.S. – facing unsustainable revenue deficits. Following the public forums, the task force will develop and
<br />present a long-term recommendation, or series of recommendations, to the full governing bodies of the three
<br />jurisdictions and to the Lane County Board of Commissioners. The community forum schedule is as follows:
<br />
<br />Tuesday, September 15 – 7:00 p.m., Hilyard Community Center, 2580 Hilyard Street
<br />Wednesday, September 16 – 7:30 p.m., Fire Station 51, 29999 Hallett Street
<br />Thursday, September 17 – 7:30 p.m., Fire Station 11-1, 88050 Territorial Highway, Veneta
<br />nd
<br />Tuesday, September 22 – 7:30 p.m., Eugene Emergency Services Center, 1705 W. 2Avenue
<br />Wednesday, Sept.ember 23 – 7:00 p.m., Churchill Estates, 1919 Bailey Hill Road
<br />th
<br />Thursday, September 24 – 7:30 p.m., Springfield Library Meeting Room, 225 5 Street
<br />th
<br />Tuesday, September 29 – 7:30 p.m., Fire Station 3, 1225 28 Sreet, Springfield
<br />Wednesday, September 30 – 7:30 p.m., Petersen Barn, 870 Berntzen Road
<br />Thursday, October 1 – 7:30 p.m., Fire Station 6, 2435 Willakenzie Road
<br />
<br />For more information, please contact Glen Potter at Eugene Fire & EMS at 682-7118.
<br />
<br />Northwest Credit Union Volunteers Clean Book Covers at Library
<br />This summer, Northwest Credit Union decided to hold a day of community service with their employees instead of
<br />a company picnic.
<br />On Saturday, August 22, seven NW Credit Union employees and their family
<br />members spent three hours at the Eugene Public Library cleaning the covers of
<br />children’s books – nearly 700 of them. The now-shining 12 shelves of books
<br />included frequently-handled picture books, cookbooks, and high-use titles such as
<br />the Harry Potter series.
<br />
<br />“Thank you, Northwest Credit Union, for offering such generous and practical
<br />support to the community through the Library,” said Library Youth Services
<br />Manager Mary Ginnane.
<br />
<br />
<br />September 3, 2009
<br />