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CC Minutes - 06/08/09 Work Session
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CC Minutes - 06/08/09 Work Session
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3/23/2012 12:54:11 PM
Creation date
9/18/2009 11:40:03 AM
City Council
Work Session
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For the benefit of those who were unemployed or laid off, Mr. Zelenka shared the Lane Workforce Partnership <br />assistance line, 682 -7200, and encouraged residents to call for help to take advantage of the federal grants the <br />agency received to support job training. <br />Responding to a question from Mayor Piercy about the follow -up to the Trainsong neighborhood clean -up, which <br />was not completed because the clean -up exceeded the tipping fee waiver the neighborhood had received, City <br />Manager Jon Ruiz indicated much of the debris had been picked up by residents and the remaining debris would <br />be picked up by the weekend. <br />City Manager Ruiz announced that the City had a booth at the last First Friday event to commence public <br />discussion on a new police facility and announced that several more would occur, on June 22 and June 25 at the <br />Atrium Building and one on June 22 at the Sheldon Community Center. <br />City Manager Ruiz thanked Petersen Barn staff for their work on the We are Bethel Celebration, saying it was a <br />growing and fun event that residents enjoyed. He had also attended the Fire Ops 101 event and thanked the fire <br />fighters. He said that the department was a good one with excellent leadership from the chief down to the <br />captains. He thought that was demonstrated during the event. He believed that it was comforting to the <br />community to have such well- trained fire fighters. <br />City Manager Ruiz said he had attended the last Santa Clara community organization meeting, which enjoyed a <br />good turn-out. He had also attended the Sponsors event mentioned by Ms. Ortiz and commended the good work <br />the organization was doing. <br />City Manager Ruiz noted his recent attendance at the Prefontaine Classic and commended the quality of the <br />event, which was nationally televised. He said it was a great way to bring the community together. <br />City Manager Ruiz noted the Eugene Police Department's recent three -day workshop, which he termed a <br />worthwhile investment in time and resources. <br />Ms. Ortiz thanked Dr. Gary Young of PeaceHealth for his recent letter -to- the - editor, published in the June 7 <br />edition of The Register -Guard entitled EMS System Needs Support. She said that Dr. Young's letter encouraged <br />people to get involved. <br />Ms. Ortiz also noted the Mayor's recent op -ed piece on the Seneca biomass project and the accidental omission <br />of the last sentence, which she asked Mayor Piercy to share. Mayor Piercy said the article omitted that she <br />planned to ask Seneca to work with other local businesses and with the neighborhood groups to get the air quality <br />monitoring system in place that everyone had wanted to have in place for such a long time. <br />B. WORK SESSION: Boards, Commissions, and Committees <br />On behalf of the City Council, Mayor Piercy thanked the many volunteers who served on City boards and <br />commissions. <br />City Manager's Office Division Manager Kell Osborn and Council Coordinator Beth Forrest joined the council <br />for the item. Ms. Osborn indicated the work session was an opportunity for staff to solicit feedback on several <br />issues from the council. She indicated staff was seeking council direction in three areas: <br />1. Representation; <br />2. Board, commission, and committee member development; and <br />MINUTES —City Council June 8, 2009 Page 4 <br />
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