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CC Minutes - 07/27/09 Meeting
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CC Minutes - 07/27/09 Meeting
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City Council Minutes
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MINUTES <br />Eugene City Council <br />McNutt Room —City Hall -777 Pearl Street <br />Eugene, Oregon <br />July 27, 2009 <br />7:30 p.m. <br />COUNCILORS PRESENT: Alan Zelenka, Mike Clark, Chris Pryor, George Brown (via telephone), <br />Andrea Ortiz, Betty Taylor, George Poling. <br />COUNCILORS ABSENT: Jennifer Solomon. <br />Her Honor Mayor Kitty Piercy called the meeting of the Eugene City Council to order. She noted that the <br />meeting had been moved to the McNutt Room because of a lack of air conditioning in the Council Chamber. <br />1. PUBLIC FORUM <br />Mayor Piercy reviewed procedures for providing comments. <br />Paul Duchin, Highland Oaks Drive, Eugene, described a problem with water seeping into the daylight <br />basement at his home. He said there was no leak on his side of the water meter and Eugene Water & <br />Electric Board (EWEB) took no responsibility for the water. He hired a contractor to install a drainage <br />system that shielded his home from any additional water damage, regardless of the source, at a cost of <br />$38,000, but even with the new system, water issues were still not resolved. In 2008, EWEB finally <br />acknowledged that there was a leak for which they were responsible and repaired it, eliminating all water <br />problems. He filed a claim with EWEB regarding the $38,000 cost of a new drainage system, but instead of <br />making an offer to settle, EWEB was requiring him to go to court and the litigation would cost more than <br />the drainage system. He was prevented by state statute from seeking legal fees or punitive damages. <br />Appeals to the EWEB Board of Commissioners had been unsuccessful. He asked the council to intervene <br />and urge EWEB to do the right thing. <br />Riley West, Eugene, owner of Riley's Real Wood Furniture on West l P h Avenue, said he had only become <br />aware of plans for an EmX route down West l P h Avenue two months ago. He said his business could not <br />afford to lose parking spaces if the street was widened for transit lanes, which would render the building <br />unusable. He relied on the building and business to support his retirement. He visited other businesses <br />along West l P h Avenue to discuss EmX and now there were 100 businesses with petitions indicating they <br />were opposed to using the street as a transit corridor. He distributed copies of a list of those businesses. <br />Ilona Koleszar, West l P h Avenue, Eugene, founding member of Residents for Responsible Rapid Transit <br />(3RT), spoke to the concept of a City- sponsored stakeholder group for the West Eugene EmX project. She <br />said Lane Transit District (LTD) was planning a stakeholder group of two representatives each from the <br />City Council, Metropolitan Policy Committee (MPC) and LTD to meet in the spring of 2010 to make a <br />recommendation regarding the locally preferred alternative. She urged the council to establish a stakeholder <br />group that included representation from businesses in West Eugene along all of the potential EmX routes. <br />Lisa West, Eugene, owner of Riley's Real Wood Furniture, expressed her concerns about West l P h Avenue <br />as a transit corridor including the cost, disruption and displacement of small businesses and siting of the <br />MINUTES— Eugene City Council July 27, 2009 Page 1 <br />
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