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(b) Demonstrate, as required by ORS 197.296 that its comprehensive plan provides sufficient <br />buildable lands within an urban growth boundary established pursuant to statewide planning <br />goals to accommodate estimated housing needs for 20 years. <br />In addition to the two actions described above, the statute also requires the demonstration in (b) to be completed <br />by December 31, 2009. <br />In order for the cities to comply with this statutory provision, a new population forecast for each city for the <br />next 20 years needs to be prepared and adopted into the comprehensive plan (Metro Plan), or in "a document <br />included in the plan by reference," such as an inventory, functional plan, or other refinement plan. (NOTE: A <br />city may choose to adopt its forecast into a separate plan document specific to its jurisdictional area as well as <br />into the main plan text.) <br />LCDC's Urbanization Goal, also known as Goal 14, was amended in 2006 to require that Urban Growth <br />Boundaries be consistent with a "20 -year forecast." LCDC's interpretive rules flesh this requirement out. OAR <br />660 - 024 -0040 provides as follows: <br />(1) The UGB must be based on the adopted 20 year population forecast for the urban area <br />described in OAR 660- 024 -0030, [or in ORS 197.036] and must provide for needed housing, <br />employment and other urban uses such as public facilities, streets and roads, schools parks and <br />open space over the 20 year planning period consistent with the land need requirements of Goal <br />14 and this rule. The 20 year need determinations are estimates which, although based on the <br />best available information and methodologies, should not be held to an unreasonably high level <br />ofprecision. <br />(4) The determination of 20 year residential land needs for an urban area must be consistent <br />with the adopted 20 year coordinated population forecast for the urban area, and with the <br />requirements for determining housing needs in Goal 10, OAR 660, division 7 or 8, and <br />applicable provisions of ORS 197.295 to 197.314 and 197.475 to 197.490. <br />Metro Plan Amendment Criteria <br />The proposed amendment is a non -site specific amendment of the Plan tent. Therefore it is classified as Type I <br />Metro Plan amendment that requires participation and adoption by all three governing bodies. Springfield, <br />Eugene and Lane County adopted identical Metro Plan amendment criteria into their respective implementing <br />ordinances and codes. Springfield Development Code (SDC) Chapter 5, Section 5.14- 135(C) (1 & 2), Eugene <br />Code 9.7730(3), and Lane Code 12.225(2) (a & b) include criteria of approval that require that the amendment <br />be consistent with relevant statewide planning goals and that the amendment not make the Metro Plan internally <br />inconsistent. <br />These additional potential criteria and the staff responses fill the remaining pages of this report; however, all of <br />the following findings are made subject to the reservation that they may be wholly or partially pre - empted by <br />1 "Sec.3 A local govemment that is subject to section 2 of this 2007 Act [197.304] shall complete the inventory, analysis and <br />determination required under ORS 197.296(3) to begin compliance with section 2 of this 2007 Act within two years after the effective <br />date of this 2007 Act [January 1, 20081" <br />2 <br />