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CC Minutes - 08/12/09 Work Session
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CC Minutes - 08/12/09 Work Session
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11/16/2009 5:32:00 PM
City Council Minutes
Work Session
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Ms. Solomon acknowledged the success of the recent National Night Out event and thanked the EPD and <br />City staff who had contributed to its success. She noted that her ward's portion of the National Night Out <br />event festivities had taken place at Candlelight Park and had been organized by Active Bethel Citizens <br />representative Gloria Foreman. <br />Ms. Solomon reported that the second Bethel Farmers Market would be taking place on August 12, 2009, <br />at Petersen Barn from 3:00 to 7:00 p.m. <br />Ms. Solomon noted that neither the Human Services Commission nor the PSCC had met during the <br />previous month. <br />Mr. Brown noted that the Joint Elected Official's (JEO) economic development task team on which he and <br />Mr. Clark served, had been attempting to develop strategies to encourage the growth of local small <br />businesses. Mr. Brown further noted that, to that end, he had drafted a survey for local small businesses to <br />measure the quality of interactions between those businesses and local government agencies. He added that <br />while the City Attorney had advised certain revisions to the survey, his preliminary responses to the survey <br />from local business leaders had been encouraging. <br />Mr. Poling thanked Sergeant Barrong and the other EPD representatives who had participated in the <br />National Night Out events <br />Mr. Poling noted that the Multi-Cultural festival had taken place on August 6 at the Sheldon Community <br />Center, but did not believe that the event had been as well attended as it had in previous years. <br />Mr. Poling noted that Congressman Peter DeFazio would be holding a public forum event at the Eugene <br />Hilton regarding national health care reform on August 18. <br />Mr. Poling noted that he planned to attend a Lane Workforce Partnership award luncheon meeting on <br />August 27. <br />Mr. Poling noted that he planned to attend the Lane Transit District (LTD) steering committee meeting on <br />September 1, where different elements of LTD's various EmX-related projects would be discussed. <br />Mr. Pryor noted that groundbreaking ceremonies for the I-5 Bridge, and Springfield bike lane projects, had <br />recently been held but that he had been unable to attend. <br />Mr. Pryor thanked the EPD and City staff for their work on the National Night Out events. <br />Mr. Pryor noted that while there was no regular Lane Council of Governments (LCOG) meeting scheduled <br />for the current month, the LCOG executive team would be holding a strategy session meeting to determine <br />how the organization might be more effective in advancing various community issues. <br />Mr. Pryor acknowledged the high level of road construction that had been conducted in recent months and <br />felt incredibly impressed at the quality and scope of the work that was being performed. Mr. Pryor <br />expressed that that the road work was "really keeping the promise" of the recent $35 million road <br />construction bond measure and was producing tangible results, particularly with respect to construction <br />along Bailey Hill Road. <br /> <br /> <br />MINUTES—Eugene City Council August 12, 2009 Page 2 <br /> Work Session <br /> <br />
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